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I've been doing my best, in a humble way to air of the
Future in my roundabout daze.?? I know some got dizzy!
Even ' came down with the block' dread disease of all
Litracists, which causes often the blots' more so using
Pen and ink though..I hasten to add' I'll wager dear Milton also
Them had ? But back to the future..Hmm iv'e heard that
Line before?? Yet lo.. Now its the present..You know? the
One ( He gave me before!) About engines and water and
Hydrogen power.? Stanley Myer and murder.' On whom
The boom 'some did lower' Its all struggle and care,) how
To walk and not fall? Into the abyss; of hatred also pride
Makes its call..To reject what is evil..? And cling to whats
Right I often fall (i'll be honest) its the most human of
Plights..Thats why no social media..Do I on, with others
Rapport..Like this its God I convey' hopefully the man
Part stays small.? To all those (who love me??) Lol)) well
Thats best I can put..If there's any who (hate me??) Hmm
Now how am I going to rhyme this line?? What did you
You say Lord.?? You're sure.?? Well yes I..! You do know
Evetything.!) OK.. Oh yes.! Where was I now.?? To all those
Who hate me.? Shoot yourself in the foot.!! Or FEET AND DO IT
MANY TIMES!! On second thoughts. LOL)) that last addendum was the human me
Part.!! I know i know i know Lord.' Only one foot..! But I'm working on this....) Oh ok Lord.'  But can i Choose their best one??

Copyright © Joe Maverick


Book: Reflection on the Important Things