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April 7 Why Trump

April 7—Figure something out in a poem

Why Trump?

For the last six years
I have been trying 
To figure out 

Why 40 percent
Of my fellow Americans
Still support Trump.

Still believe he was
The greatest President ever.

I  just don’t understand it
Trump is a racist, misogynist 
Sexual predator rapist, narcissistic 
Fraudster, con artist, grifter.

Who has lost billions 
Of dollars over the years
Never pay his contractors
Or his lawyers.

Has been involved 
In over 3,000 lawsuits
And lost most of them.

Who lied over 30,000 times
When he was President
And at least 10,000 times 
Since then.

Including the big lie
That he won the last election
Both in the popular vote
And in the Electoral College vote.

Over 90 courts concluded
That there was not there there
And that he lost the election.

There was no widespread fraud
The election was fair and square
And he lost.

Trump is the poster child
For the seven deadly sins
And is not a Christian
Far from it.

Yet to his deluded followers
God anoints him
To destroy the enemies
Of the Christian faith.

Now a court has declared
That he defrauded the State 
Of New York
To the tune of 450 million dollars.

He stole top-secret documents
Denied he had them
Refused to give them back
And openly talked about them.

With people not cleared
For secret and top-secret 

He plotted to overturn 
The election
And stay in power.

He openly promises 
He will be a dictator
And round up millions 
Of illegals, and political dissidents
When he is re-elected,

Why he is polling at 40 percent
And not 4 percent
Is beyond me.

The best I can conclude
Is he appeals to those who believe
The whole system is corrupt.

And is rigged against 
Christian white Americans.

They feel that they have been 
Royalty screwed over by 
The masters of the universe.

Who see workers 
As nothing but 
Disposable labor units 
Of production.

And they are right
And Trump for his faults
Speaks to the forgotten men
And women in fly-over country,

That is why he is still popular
And could be re-elected
And if he is re-elected
Can American Christian fascism 
Be coming?

Copyright © Jake Aller


Book: Shattered Sighs