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Milton Creek, Another Chapter

The sun had just risen over town, it was a beautiful morning
And outside Baker's new Bakery, a long queue was forming
The aroma of fresh baking was lingering in the morning air
Words alone cannot describe it; you just have to be there.

Bill, Sara, and Tania had been working throughout the night
There was no margin for error, everything had to be just right
Bill then quickly unbolted the door to let the customers inside
Everything sold quickly; the Bakers and Tania beamed with pride.

Fresh bread, doughnuts and whoopie pies were the first to go
The shelves soon emptied , there was nothing left on show
Sara said "I wasn't expecting this, such a fantastic turnout
We'd better start baking again, I don't want folks to miss out".

The peace of the morning was broken by the stage from Santa Fe
Bringing Judge Jack Horne, as the court was in session that day
Two deputies accompanied him, Mike Gentile and Duke Beaufort
They all alighted from the stage and walked over to the court.

Meanwhile, Ranger David, Deputy Terry along with Sheriff Koplin
Were escorting two mean looking outlaws and were just going in
Judge Horne greeted them and said "What's that pleasant aroma? "
The sheriff replied," We now have a bakery run by Bill and Sara".

The Sheriff added "Milton Creek is growing bigger day by day
And we could do with a permanent judge, be good if you could stay
Of course, we'd employ Mike and Duke as the town court deputies
And you'd be bringing to our town your knowledge and expertise".

Judge Horne replied "I'm getting tired of travelling, so, yes from me
Duke and Mike have often said the same and I'm sure they'll agree"
The court session started, and the two outlaws were found guilty
The judge sentenced them both to two years in Yuma Penitentiary.

Mike and Duke took charge of the prisoners, and they boarded the train
Sheriff Koplin said "Good riddance, I hope we don't see them again
The sheriff said to the judge" I'll walk you to Aces and get you checked in
And introduce you to the lovely lady that runs it a southern girl called Lin

Mayor Tom was walking by the station and noticed two ladies had got off
He wondered who they were and as he got near, his Stetson he did doff
They smiled and the dark haired  one said "I'm Caren and this is Anne -Lise
We're both new in town so could you direct us to the Manx Saloon, please".

"My pleasure" said Tom, "I take it's Jan the saloon owner you want to see"
He offered to take their suitcases and said  "Ladies, If you'd like to follow me
Jan had often told me she needed more staff to work in the Manx Saloon
Your arrival today is a godsend and I know for her you'll be a welcome boon".

They arrived at the Manx; Jan and Deb welcomed them to Milton Creek
Jan said "Most days it's just been me and Deb and it's been a busy week
Tania our singer is only part time now as she works at Baker's Bakery
Anne-Lise said" We're used to hard graft having worked in Dodge City.

Mayor Tom said "Well I'll leave you now and I'll book two rooms at the hotel
Jan was now smiling from ear to ear; she was so relieved you could tell
He met up with Sheriff Koplin who told him about Mike, Duke and Jack
"Thats darn good news" said Tom, " Because a town judge we did lack".

Tom added" Well, sheriff you can add two more, I'm on my way to see Lin
Jan's two new saloon girls have arrived and I'm just going to book them in"
Then they both heard the rumbling of a wagon that was heading their way
"Another stranger in town " said the sheriff, "It's been an eventful day".

The man pulled up and got down and said "John Lawless is my name
I'm the best blacksmith west of the Sierras and that's my claim to fame
I heard this town needs a blacksmith because the last one passed away
If I can earn enough money to earn an honest living then I'll surely stay.

Tom and the sheriff shook hands with John to welcome him to town
It had been one hell of long day and now the sun was going down
Sheriff Koplin said "I'm going to the saloon; I'm feeling quite thirsty
And to meet Jan's new bar girls, you're both welcome to join me.

Written 22nd March 2024. 

Copyright © Tom Cunningham


Book: Reflection on the Important Things