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Feeling Better

and ego body-systems,
patriotic systems
and feminist systems
mutually improve,
grow more robust,
resonant when WinWin relationships
between diversely paradigmatic elements
within said system
and between unsaid systems
grow more healthy wealth together
well-greased co-operative channels
and web-structures
WinWin overwhelming WinLose
competing smaller self-centered investments.

Capital small-self promotion tends to over-reward historical success
to those elements born already elitely connected.

Most evangelistic systems
raised by faith in boot-strap bearish punishing
and sacred bullish rewarding meritocracies
favor culturally exclusive mono
statically unspiritual absence of interdependence
over multiculturally correlated healthy ways 
and wealthy cooperative polypathic means
developing more robust relationships
in any system
slow-growing resilient interdependent elements
composed of internally resonant co-developing paradigms,
robust nutritious non-sectarian remembering,
remarkable non-violent narrative reweaving
steady-state creation story 
of everyday history

LeftBrain dominant, sometimes violent, colonization
usually racist,
and sexist,
and elitist,
and fascist
and sundry other monoculturing degenerations
of once healthier bilateral and multilateral sub-systems

Improving their, and our own, healthy systemic outcomes
by turning back toward more inclusive
organic relationships
within currently deteriorating mono-theological capital climates
trending against long-term ecosystemic Earth resilience,
also lacking short-term goals
for ego-cooperative robust ownership development.

Because, as any responsible self-reflective rainbow could tell you,
and show you,
ultra-violet summary systems
become bolder,
more richly translucent,
transparently healthier,
more intimately robust,
more inside and outside resonant
co-relational power correlates
when each interdependent element
moves toward cooperative WinWin relationships
with those closest
as with those more appositionally apart.

Life systems
are like story structures
as doing
likes becoming image.
Both become more universally resonant
when integrity and transparency enlighten
curiosity and non-judgmental courage
to reach for rainbow beginnings and ends
healing touch and mutual feeling
not confined to echoing inside imaginary issues
reiteratively toxic imprisoned sour strings
of cognitive degeneration
where once lived more robust
systemic integrity re-membering
to actively network

Grief about past anti-health systemic choices
can autonomously provoke anger and fear
bargaining for even short-term WinLose ego threats
reduced by long-term WinWin eco-opportunity
either fundamentally healthy right
or sickly wrong disassociating relationships
competing against liberal ego-renunciation risks
conserving longer-term BothEgo-AndEco-restorations
correlating health with passion.

EarthSystems can choose to continue degenerating
formerly more cooperatively regenerate subclimate elements.

We can also choose to invoke non-violent acceptance
of past repressive enculturations,
negative communicating losses
of opportunities to Win more robust democratic 
interdependent relationships,

Ultra-violet temporal realities Now
with full-spectral Here
holonic systemic seductive structures.

Acceptance of co-responsibility for grief, loss, suffering,
anti-ecological genocide,
matriarchal oppression within, as without,
co-arises redemptive love and grace and positive karma
co-arise cooperative ego/eco-therapeutic design and development
with new slow-growing green systemic restoration eyes
co-arise full-system ecstasy of interdependent relationships
co-arises enchanting prevolutionary climax 
with Yang EgoHere and Yin EcoNow

Wu-wei in-between cooperation [Both/And--RightBrain]
co-lateral feeling
co-arising LeftBrain competitive EitherInside/OrOutside reasoning
co-arising double-bonding +1 Both/And = (-,-)ZeroSum Either/Or
humane natural systemic experiential EarthSoul eco-theology

Where Either secular or sacred = Both
and nature Or spirit = And
and LeftEgo = Right Ecological Systemic CoRelational Theology
and global EgoSystemic Western Patriarchy = EarthSystemic EastMatriarchy

And Yang loves Yin loves Yang, etc...

PolyNomial Yang systems
can grow equivalently robust
not not reiteratively enthymematic ZeroPolyPhonic YinSouls

Living in self/other regenerative
preferably non-violent climates
of ego/eco-justice.

While Democratic
Extended Interdependent Family Religious Parties,
sacred celebrations
EcoFeminist and
EgoPatriarchal EntitledPlatforms
within one national and international organic system
turn from continually re-engaging our co-relational losses
and robust suffering
and historical red meat disagreements

To acknowledge violent cycles within
invite therapeutic ultra-violet love and co-arising grace 
and positive/notnotnegative karma

We each and all hope to grow robust outside incarnations
cooperatively interdependent
healthy systemic outcomes
with both egosystemic, universal
and eco-networking, uniting
eco-theo-logical integrity
growing most resilient EarthSystemic Soul
inside yin healthy
outside yang wealthy
yin loving yang loving yin...etc.

I think that's the end of this ThoughtSystem.
Was it good for you
with me?

Oh yes! Ecstasy inside
such everyday SoulEnchanting outside co-relationships
hearing secular Left deductions
while feeling sacred RightInstructions.

DNA systems call out longing
belonging within RNA long-term ecosystems
grow more robust,
remembering when WinWin relationships
shed light between diverse paradigmatic elements
to improve therapeutic climates
among dynamically grouped experiential phenomena

Like having a favorite ubiquitous gratitude color
while knowing we best invite each spectral other
time of multi-paradigmatic thanksgiving tables.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs