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Following Prompts - being normal

Write a “how-to” poem about something you don’t know how to do - 'being normal'

I can approximate it
I've seen it up close occasionally
Sleight of being
It's starts with etiquette, a learned behaviour
'Good' then the time of day e.g. 'morning'
Followed by gentle enquiries
(Last known activities for brownie points e.g 'how did Zumba go?')
Then you state you'd love to try it, receive an invite, never act on it
The uniform is clothes currently available in shops
(Don't stand out!)
Be neat and tidy at all times
(Don't state you got wet in the rain rather than putting up an umbrella to 'sock it to the man' especially without any context and with wild hair...)
There are a lot of don't do statements
It's best to state an unmemorable answer that trips off the tongue so someone can reply without really being involved e.g. 'I've put my big coat away' response: 'Summer will be here soon and we'll all be complaining ha ha ha'
Enjoy brunch
Claim to ROTFL but never do
(Certainly not in the aisle on a train saying you've found your spiritual home of a non seat)
If policemen talk to you, don't ask to try on their hat
(If they let you try on their hat, don't put the photo on Facebook)
Leave at the right time
(Don't just stand up and say 'right, bye' or hang up without much warning)
Smile and nod
Plan stuff
Brush your hair more than once a day
Follow the crowd
Clean your car
Say hello in supermarkets
Write poems about Spring :)

Copyright © Di11y Da11y


Book: Shattered Sighs