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James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

In the hesitant kiss,
	before breakfast
with the gift of acceptance,
gentleness, compassion that means,
to bring alive the tenderness inspired
by a love that abides in the silence,
wears the joy of sincerity,
the beauty of spiritual bliss,
	only God could gift.

In the whisper of a smile,
	while the light seeps behind
the glowing grace, in flames,
forever blazing, passionate, praising,
listening for the amazing in the appreciation,
reassuring the heart that decides
wherever there is love, so kind it shines,
there is the promise of a light that reflects the soul
through the fears, the darkness,
	only God could glow so lucidly.

In the expression, the embrace,
	trembling with hope, dreaming
feelings bleeding through the darkest pains,
glimpses of music raining down the truth,
destinies, come to life, in rhythmic hues,
forever, there on the coldest of nights,
beautiful arriving on stardust, following the moon,
who is silent and all too soon,
flowing with a gentle that sooths and consoles,
a calm that colors the spirit in notes of hope,
	only God could have stirred.

In the moments, justly described,
	as life’s vibrant sighs,
lessons who invite the heart to see through,
all the dark and weary, grace sincerely,
erasing all the fear, the tears like dewy spills,
shedding dreams, awakening peace,
stilling the heart who knows there is more,
more than this dream, more than this wish,
more than the pride, the promise, the kiss,
more brilliant a light than the heart can expect,
more love in each thought, because…
	only God’s love signs life content.

In the heart who believes He is…
	there is a love that prays, praising,
evermore a part of the quiet devotion
to the One who gave us life,
created us so we’ll soon know…
the wonder of love that is eternal,
love that is beyond description,
love that is a part of this affection
poured out from that heavenly haven,
where I’m sure we will go, when time decides,
it is time for life to end, so the real life can begin,
so the spirit can finally ascend…
	only knowing, for sure, that God with us,
is the glory of good, the glimpse of truth,
the joy of the soul, the answer to every hope,
the One who signs each name,
on the pages, created by grace…

the lamb’s book of life
is where He writes the name of every saint,
each one who believes – He is who He says He is…
He is the King, the Light, the Love…
Without Him, there would be no new birth.
Without Him, there would be no truth.
Without Him, there would be no real hope.
Without Him, there would be no redemption…
From the darkness that intends to destroy the light, the peace,
Overflowing with faith that believes He is the Everlasting!

Copyright © Regina Mcintosh


Book: Reflection on the Important Things