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About Jan Allison
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Thought I better get round to writing a bit about myself. 

I'm married and live on the Isle of Man 

My poetry journey began in November 2013 after my husband was diagnosed with cancer. The first poem I wrote was called was Splendid Isolation. This was written after we returned to the Isle of Man after his surgery in England. I felt so alone and vulnerable in the accommodation  - all I really needed was someone to talk to face to face and maybe have a hug! I posted a few poems on a friends facebook page - mainly humerous poems . An on-line friend Jenny Brewer saw my poems and kept telling me to join here. It took about 3 weeks of her asking me if i had joined to pluck up the courage to finally post and 'Just Desserts'  was the first poem I posted here - it is based on a true experience! Since then my life has been a whirl.  In Jared Pickett's collaboration I teamed up with Darren Watson and we wrote together collaboratively as JaDazzle United.

I adore penguins - the animals not the biscuits!
Loveeeee tall men with greying hair
I love baking/cooking
I like to potter in the garden - need more time to commit to it but have an aged mother who needs me more than my garden does
Adore most types of music - will give anything a listen
Best ever gig - Knebworth 1986 when 'Queen' headlined


Blog Posted:6/15/2017 4:04:00 PM

Newer members may not understand the other blog which was recently posted. The blog refers to my At The Footbridge Limerick Collaboration, which currently stands at number 22 in the best all time poems on soup.


As a result of the other blog there has been a resurgence of interest in the poem and I have added 3 new poems to the collaboration this week and another poem was added earlier in May.

Many thanks to Lin Lane and Ray Gridley for their hilarious contributions. 


If anyone wishes to join in the fun then please soup mail me your poem.


Hugs Jan xx

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Date: 6/16/2017 7:12:00 AM
Wow, didn't realize how long ago that was. The new ones are hilarious. We should do a new one. Maybe toad and prince it up...I'll be back later to check.
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/16/2017 9:41:00 AM
Thanks for the prompt Tim I've started a collab called 'crossing the toad' had to have a bit of poop in this one I've not posted a poop poem in ages apart from my usual poems that is lol:-) Lin has already added her poem!:-) hugs Jan xx
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/16/2017 7:31:00 AM
ha ha ha Tim I have a couple of new limericks which we could turn into collaborations but I'll have a think on the toad and prince theme too lol:-)There are websites with lots of toad names in Lin so yes they can be female names lol:-) hugs jan xx
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 6/16/2017 7:26:00 AM
Can we make the toad a female?
Date: 6/15/2017 10:16:00 PM
And of course reading the newer ones gave me a huge smile as well!
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/15/2017 10:29:00 PM
The blog is a perfect way to get the new additions read and Ray's poem was particularly hilarious!Hugs Jan xx
Date: 6/15/2017 10:15:00 PM
Was so much fun to go back and read the the limericks!! :)
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/16/2017 9:58:00 AM
I agree with Arthur rum and 'po'um definitely rhyme lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 6/16/2017 7:34:00 AM
I bet you could write one if you didn't think rum and poem rhymed
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/15/2017 10:28:00 PM
Thanks Arthur I'd forgotten I'd actually written two poems inspired by the theme - they are so so different I really like the dark one too lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 6/15/2017 4:38:00 PM
Thanks for the chance to get in on the fun because I missed it first time around. They're all so funny and anything that brings comradery between people should be endorsed.
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 6/15/2017 4:51:00 PM
Thanks, Chick, for letting me be in that number!
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/15/2017 4:50:00 PM
Thanks Lin, I'm sorry you missed it last time round but I'm absolutely delighted you've joined in now and I've added your poem to the collaboration:-) hugs Jan xx

My Past Blog Posts

A giggle a day can chase the blues away
Date Posted: 2/9/2024 10:01:00 AM
A giggle a day ... Exciting news
Date Posted: 1/20/2024 6:58:00 AM
Exciting Publication News - update updated
Date Posted: 12/10/2023 8:52:00 AM
Date Posted: 7/31/2023 7:22:00 AM
My Next Contest
Date Posted: 7/11/2023 8:34:00 AM
Date Posted: 6/19/2023 2:19:00 AM
A message from Teppo Gren
Date Posted: 5/19/2022 3:36:00 PM
Date Posted: 1/25/2022 1:07:00 AM
Date Posted: 7/17/2021 2:35:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/3/2021 11:28:00 PM
Date Posted: 4/20/2021 5:40:00 PM
Date Posted: 1/24/2021 4:57:00 PM
Date Posted: 5/3/2020 6:07:00 PM
Date Posted: 4/23/2020 2:29:00 PM
Date Posted: 1/25/2020 6:58:00 AM
Date Posted: 8/12/2018 1:38:00 PM
Date Posted: 4/27/2018 3:09:00 AM
Date Posted: 11/15/2017 9:32:00 AM
Date Posted: 11/14/2017 1:53:00 PM
Date Posted: 10/2/2017 4:53:00 PM
Date Posted: 9/25/2017 3:51:00 AM
Date Posted: 9/4/2017 5:12:00 PM
Date Posted: 9/1/2017 7:05:00 AM
Date Posted: 8/26/2017 7:28:00 AM
Date Posted: 8/15/2017 6:40:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
7/26/2024 Beach babe - a little bawdy Limerickbody,humorous,
7/25/2024 Head Boy Limerickhumorous,water,
7/20/2024 A cock and bull tale - Risque Rhyme Limerickfarm,humorous,
7/18/2024 The Latest Soup Scoop Monokuanti bullying,how i feel,
7/6/2024 Dental Drama Limerickhumorous,pain,
7/3/2024 Poetry cheats Acrosticconflict,corruption,poetr
7/2/2024 Raindrops Free verserain,
6/29/2024 Ten a day - inspired by Deb M's POTD Limerickhow i feel,poetry,
6/28/2024 summer Haikugarden,summer,
6/20/2024 Donald John Trump Clerihewcorruption,lust,political
6/13/2024 Prepare for take off Versebird,flying,
5/23/2024 Girl with a pearl earring Ekphrasisart,beauty,identity,
5/12/2024 Ewe Called Limerickbirth,farm,father son,
5/8/2024 Heather on the hills - BAWDY WARNING Limerickhumorous,lust,
5/1/2024 Doggone Limerickanxiety,dog,humorous,
4/23/2024 Paper chase Ephemera Free verselove,
4/21/2024 Zephyr Rhymejoy,nature,wind,
4/16/2024 Yellow Coupletbeautiful,color,uplifting
4/8/2024 HIGH TEA Limerickanimal,food,fun,
4/7/2024 SOCK IT TO ME Personificationclothes,humorous,missing,
3/26/2024 CAGE RAGE Limerickbird,cat,irony,
3/21/2024 Sun Personificationsun,
3/17/2024 Blue Listcolor,
3/16/2024 Uplifting Acrosticbody,humorous,
2/27/2024 THE QUEEN OF POOP FIGHTS BACK! Limerickanti bullying,how i feel,
2/19/2024 Spring time Ethereeflower,spring,
2/13/2024 When Trust Has Been Broken Rhymebetrayal,
2/9/2024 Pour reeding and righting Limerickfor her,friend,words,
1/27/2024 Beach Bummer - BAWDY WARNING Limerickbetrayal,holiday,humorous
1/23/2024 Autumn Haikusunset,
1/22/2024 Precipice Acrosticdark,death,mother son,
1/21/2024 Valentines Day Dilema Rhymeanxiety,flower,valentines
1/20/2024 Moonlight Shadows Fibonaccimoon,ocean,
1/16/2024 Tea Time Personificationdrink,
1/15/2024 Bouquet Blunder Limerickflower,humorous,valentine
1/11/2024 Winter Magic Rhymesnow,winter,
1/4/2024 Oblivion Acrosticdevotion,memory,mental he
12/30/2023 Total transformation in 2023 Sijobooks,me,poetry,
11/28/2023 La Luna's Lure Alliterationbutterfly,moon,
11/25/2023 DIVORCE Acrosticbreak up,conflict,divorce
11/18/2023 Remember Remember Rhymeage,humorous,memory,
11/17/2023 Sex Drive or dead end street Haikuhumorous,word play,
11/17/2023 Wild Birds Poetry Contest Personificationbird,
11/14/2023 DREAMS CAN COME TRUE Rhymedream,poetry,
11/13/2023 Mother Acrostici miss you,mother daughte
11/12/2023 Mr Spud head gets mashed Limerickbody,
11/11/2023 WE WILL REMEMEBER THEM Haikuremembrance day,war,
11/9/2023 Remember Remember the 5th of November Ninettefirework,
11/6/2023 Thanksgiving Trauma for Turkeys Limerickdeath,food,thanksgiving d
11/5/2023 Letter Rhymeidentity,
11/4/2023 Going To the Chapel of Love - Tb Than-Baukkiss,love,
11/3/2023 Harvest Monokufruit,life,
11/1/2023 The Twelve Days of Christmas On the Isle of Man Lyricchristmas,fun,home,
10/31/2023 Building Friendship Monorhymechildren,friendship,fun,
10/30/2023 Knock Senryudrink,friend,health,
10/30/2023 Autumn Monokuautumn,
10/28/2023 For Whom the Bell Tolls Senryucancer,health,
10/25/2023 Words - Lipogram Poetry Contest Limerickhumorous,poetry,words,
10/22/2023 Forever Autumn Quintillaautumn,
10/21/2023 Qop Strikes Again With Another Poop Poem - For Deb M Limerickhumorous,student,
10/20/2023 The Sound of Silence Dodoitsuhumorous,senses,
10/19/2023 Silence Is Golden Limerickhumorous,peace,
10/17/2023 Calmer Chameleon Personificationanimal,fun,
10/16/2023 Oh My Gourd Senryuautumn,food,humorous,
10/15/2023 She Walks In Beauty Cinquainbeach,loneliness,sea,
10/13/2023 Chocks Away - Poop Poem Warning Limerickbody,humorous,
10/12/2023 Autumn Quaternautumn,
10/11/2023 Trick Or Treat Rhymehalloween,
10/10/2023 Bloodsucker - Revised Alexandrinedark,
10/9/2023 The Unsupervised Stop Sign Free versedeath,drug,
10/9/2023 Come Into My Parlour - a Collaboration Between Arlo Parker and the Mean Girls Rhymehumorous,lust,
10/7/2023 Poetry and Me Free versehow i feel,integrity,poet
10/2/2023 If I Only Had a Brain Monokuhealth,
10/1/2023 Green Rhymecolor,conflict,
9/30/2023 Jennifer Aniston Clerihewbreak up,tribute,
9/27/2023 Pooh Dunny It - a Bowel Shatt-Ering Senryu Senryuhumorous,
9/26/2023 Arthur Vaso Monokufriendship,tribute,word p
9/25/2023 Golden Shovel Versechange,
9/23/2023 Frost Acrosticwinter,
9/22/2023 You'Re In Trouble - Bawdy Warning Limerickdrink,humorous,
9/21/2023 What Was I Thinking Monokuconfusion,humorous,intern
9/20/2023 Vampire Pleiadesdark,gothic,
9/19/2023 It Happened On a Misty Morning Verseproposal,romantic,
9/18/2023 The Smell of Fear - Collaboration Limerickhumorous,space,
9/17/2023 Fear of Abduction By Alien Life Rhymefantasy,fear,
9/16/2023 You Can'T Stop the Music Senryumusic,
9/15/2023 Piano Pleiadesinspirational,music,sense
9/14/2023 Lie Detector Senryuhumorous,political,
9/13/2023 We Must Talk In Hushed Voices Rhymefirst love,trust,
9/11/2023 Emu Pleiadesbird,
9/10/2023 Sunset Sadness Free versei miss you,sunset,
9/9/2023 Albatross Pleiadesbird,music,
9/8/2023 Dark Senryudark,mental illness,
9/7/2023 I'M Feeling Impish Rhymeanti bullying,poetry,
9/6/2023 Autumn Leaves Fall Rhymeautumn,tree,
9/4/2023 It's a Wonderful World Versebird,flying,sunset,
9/3/2023 Raspberries Pleiadesfruit,
9/2/2023 Vile Vache Acrosticanimal,conflict,humorous,
9/1/2023 Catastrophy Footlecat,humorous,
8/31/2023 My Favorite Soup Free versehow i feel,poetry,

My Photos


ps_blue dragonfly 2.jpg

Fav Poems

The Allison Ellison Bond Narrativefriendship,love,
The Naked Ramblers Society Versefunny,
Sometimes We Just Have To Get Naked Rhymelife,
I'Ll Always Remember Rhymelost love,
Few Steps Behind I do not know?sad,
Remembrances ---Tanka Tankaemotions,remember,
My Way Versefunny,
Your Crotch and You Narrativehumor,
Forever Romance Free verseromance,romantic,
The Touch of a Stranger Lyricfriend,friendship,uplifti
I'M Coming Home Rhymeemotions,military,
My Honky Tonk Angel Narrativeromantic,
Smile Rhymegiving,happy,inspiration,
A Tribute To Jan Allison Free versefriendship,
Please Do Not Weep I do not know?absence,bereavement,
I'M Not Nosey But Free verseclass,crazy,england,eve,
A Memory She Left Behind Versememory,
Drenched In One Another Free verseromance,romantic,
Country Song Rhymeromance,
Cas Tim Jan and Me Rhymehumor,humorous,
Willy the Wasp For Jan Allison Coupletchildhood,education,insec
My Fifty Years In a Nut Shell Rhymefamily,life,nostalgia,
Fake Or Real Rhymeself,vanity,
Ever Deeper Grows Our Kiss Free versekiss,
Did You Have a Peaceful Night Versecare,love,
Kind of Thought Coupletappreciation,humorous,
The True Meaning of Life Narrativelife,
Oh Goddess Moon Versemoon,
The Rush Haikufirst love,
Low Cost Airline Limerickfun,
To Jan Allison About Our True Real Self Coupletinspirational,sad,
A New Love Found Free verseinspirational,
Gifts From the Tide Free versenature,ocean,sea,
Poets Who Write Love Poems Free versepoetry,
Friendships Rhymefriend,friendship,love,
Farewell At the Falls Quatrainleaving,lost love,
It's Only Time Coupletage,devotion,emotions,tee
A Broken Heart Away Free verselove,
Friendship Rhymefriendship,love,
Mens Secrets Rhymeabuse,
Every Time I Have You Close- Triolet Sonnet Trioletbeautiful,love,
John Lennon Narrativemusic,
Organic Ecstasy Free versenature,planet,
The Devil Is In This Tale Free verseheart,heaven,i love you,
The Story of You Narrativeromance,
Yesterday and Today Rhymeemotions,introspection,
Moment In Time Free verselove,
A Getaway To Ancient Venice Proselove,passion,
Cupid's Arrows Free verselove,romance,
If I Could Free versegiving,
Mother's Highlights Free versebeautiful,beauty,love,mot
For One Pass of Your Breath Free verselost love,love,love hurts
Stop the Abuse Free verseabuse,
A Winter Day Rhymechristmas,
In Need of a Banquet Iambic Pentameterrecovery from,relationshi
My Best Ever Love Poem Verselove,
I'M Vinyl Baby Free versemusic,
I Dreamt of You Last Night Quatraindream,love,
- the Glory of Love - Free versefeelings,love,
Jan Allison Free versefriend,friendship,poems,p
Maybe the Last Letter To My Beloved Free verseconflict,love,
Daydream Alliterationbeautiful,dream,flower,
Jan Narrativededication,love,
Adults Only a Sexy Write Just To Make Jan Laugh Narrativefunny,humor,humorous,sexy
If These Eyes Could Lie Sonnetfeelings,love,
Her Name Is Jan Rhymemarriage,memory,missing,m
I Need To Feel Free verseangst,emotions,
How Poetry Began Quatrainnature,poetry,
Rainbow In My World Today Rhymecolor,love,rainbow,
I Swear I Want To Die Free versei love you,
Around the Corner Free verseintrospection,mother,
Snow Angels Free versefriend,love,
Your Smile Sends Me Ekphrasisart,
The Breadth of My Love Free verselove,planet,romance,roman
Call Me, Call Me Light Verselonging,love,wine,wisdom,
When I Am Gone Epigraminspirational,mystery,
Tree Rape Free verseautumn,change,nature,
Where Can I Find You Free verseintrospection,
Haiku 74 - Haiku 75- About a Bookmark Haikuabsence,
Paradise In My Mind Rhymedream,freedom,imagination
Where I'M From Free versebeauty,cancer,childhood,c
Dirty Socks Rhymefamily,
Fairy Tales, Angels and Cuddles Rhymechild,father daughter,chi
Love Is a Fragile Thing - For Jan Allison Rhymelove,soulmate,
Romance Rhymeromance,
Lost Dizaindeath,heaven,loss,relatio
Beauty Inside Quatrainbeauty,
Coverup Rhymefeelings,nature,
Pretty Poet Free verseangel,how i feel,mentor,p
If You Can Free versenature,planet,
Wind From the Sea I do not know?conflict,depression,forgi
Reflections On a Virginia Summer Night Prose Poetrydream,emotions,sleep,summ
Bingo Versefunny,mum,
Lost In a World of Poetry Sonnethow i feel,poetry,
Faith, Hope and Love Tankalife,
A Message From Emilly Balladage,daughter,death of a f
On a Gorgeous Day Coupletjoy,
Where Frozen Embers Still Burn Rhymeheart,
Awakening Sunshine Morning Free versebeautiful,beauty,emotions
The Things As Yet To Be Narrativelove,

Fav Poets

Jack Ellison Canada Flag Canada Read
Jude Michael India Flag India Read
Jenny Brewer United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Roger Horsch United States Flag United States Read
Maxine Jones United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
John Weaver United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Eileen Manassian _Not Listed Flag _Not Listed Read
Paul Callus Malta Flag Malta Read
Bryan Griffin United States Flag United States Read
Mel Merrill United States Flag United States Read
Jan Allison Isle Of Man Flag Isle Of Man Read
Paddi March Canada Flag Canada Read
Jessica Thompson United States Flag United States Read
Joe Murphy United States Flag United States Read
J.W. Earnings United States Flag United States Read
Darren Watson United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Harry Horsman Australia Flag Australia Read
Tim Smith United States Flag United States Read
Robert Nehls United States Flag United States Read
Casarah Nance United States Flag United States Read
Carolyn Devonshire United States Flag United States Read
Maurice Yvonne Canada Flag Canada Read
Andrea Dietrich United States Flag United States Read
Patricia Bernard United States Flag United States Read
Kelly Deschler United States Flag United States Read
Little Known Nothing United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Brenda Meier-Hans Canada Flag Canada Read
Vera Duggan Australia Flag Australia Read
Cory Long United States Flag United States Read
Dorian Petersen Potter United States Flag United States Read
Robert L. Hinshaw United States Flag United States Read
Demetrios Trifiatis Greece Flag Greece Read
Charmaine Chircop Malta Flag Malta Read
Willow Lawrence United States Flag United States Read
Paul Schneiter United States Flag United States Read
Maurice Rigoler United States Flag United States Read
Dr. Mohammed El-Shorbagi Egypt Flag Egypt Read
David Meade United States Flag United States Read
Dennis East United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Daniel Sainz United States Flag United States Read
Curtis Moorman United States Flag United States Read
Shadow Hamilton United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Tim Ryerson United States Flag United States Read
Sean Kelly Ireland Flag Ireland Read
Matthew Anish United States Flag United States Read
Shane Cooper Australia Flag Australia Read
Cynthia Jones Canada Flag Canada Read
Anne-Lise Andresen Norway Flag Norway Read
Valerie Bellefleur Canada Flag Canada Read
Isaiah Zerbst United States Flag United States Read
Robert Lindley United States Flag United States Read
Lei Strauss Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Ilene Bauer United States Flag United States Read
Etienne Lariviere France Flag France Read
Arthur Vaso Canada Flag Canada Read
Janet Eaton United States Flag United States Read
Gwen Benita Mason Gibbs United States Flag United States Read
Viv Wigley United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Bl Devnath India Flag India Read
Sharon Gulley United States Flag United States Read
Rhonda Johnson-Saunders United States Flag United States Read
Edwin Hofert United States Flag United States Read
Ivor Davies United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Athena Hoefs United States Flag United States Read
Anna Hopper United States Flag United States Read
David Teminijesu Nigeria Flag Nigeria Read
Kp Nunez Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Eve Roper United States Flag United States Read
Nandita Das India Flag India Read
Joseph May United States Flag United States Read
Kimberly Allard02 United States Flag United States Read
Richard Jordan United States Flag United States Read
Franklin Price United States Flag United States Read
M. L. Kiser United States Flag United States Read
John Lawless United States Flag United States Read
Rachel Preston United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Old Buck United States Flag United States Read
Mary Rotman United States Flag United States Read
C T United States Flag United States Read
Edlynn Nau United States Flag United States Read
Bill Lindsay United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Mike Martin Canada Flag Canada Read
James Fraser United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
James Inman United States Flag United States Read
George Seal United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read
Jill Spagnola United States Flag United States Read
Michelle Frye United States Flag United States Read
Mark Woods New Zealand Flag New Zealand Read
Sandra Haight United States Flag United States Read
Duke Beaufort United States Flag United States Read
Aiyah Torres Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Wilfred Aniagyei Ghana Flag Ghana Read
Nayda Ivette Negron Flores Puerto Rico Flag Puerto Rico Read
Carol Eastman United States Flag United States Read
Lin Lane United States Flag United States Read
Kabuteng P.Ink K. Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Edward Ebbs United States Flag United States Read
Connie Marcum Wong United States Flag United States Read
Keith Bickerstaffe United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom Read

Book: Reflection on the Important Things