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Poems by James Fraser

James Fraser - LIFETIME Premium Member James Fraser - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet James Fraser. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of James Fraser.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/22/2024 Out there must think they're all insane! 140 Rhyme
10/25/2024 On Amble Sands 317 Free verse
10/25/2024 Pigman, Pigman, that's us Harrah we Are! 276 Free verse
10/25/2024 It's Always Ok 259 Free verse
02/09/2024 There is a Darkness out There 326 Rhyme
09/30/2023 The Lady With the Smile In Her Eyes 299 Rhyme
09/22/2023 Autumnal 256 Acrostic
08/19/2023 Drifting Through the Clouds of Living 217 Rhyme
07/28/2023 Kissed By the Passing Breeze of Awakening 226 Rhyme
03/26/2023 Who Would Ever Have Thought 583 Rhyme
03/18/2023 When Everything Else Loses Its Voice 627 Rhyme
01/21/2023 No Longer His Shadow Shows 425 Rhyme
12/12/2022 Losing 468 Rhyme
12/03/2022 Still Trying To Understand 539 Rhyme
10/10/2022 Blinkered By Greed 423 Rhyme
10/10/2022 Jinn Or Jacks 428 Rhyme
05/07/2022 Blinkered By Hope 722 Rhyme
04/16/2022 Wheels of Confusions 669 Rhyme
03/07/2022 Threats of a Bully 354 Rhyme
03/07/2022 Ukraine 392 Acrostic
03/05/2022 Ostracised 412 Acrostic
11/25/2021 Thrilla In Manila - Philippines Coliseum 509 Rhyme
10/01/2021 Gasps of Witnessed Horrors 416 Free verse
08/06/2021 When I Arrive 341 Rhyme
06/25/2021 When Nightmares Happen 357 Rhyme
05/29/2021 Dragging My Life Around 469 Rhyme
04/08/2021 She's Hurting 531 Free verse
03/20/2021 My Name Is 430 Rhyme
02/18/2021 Three Irishmen and the Clergy's 582 Limerick
02/18/2021 Quaint Coastal Setting 446 Rhyme
02/08/2021 Naked Curves 667 Senryu
01/28/2021 Two From the Soup Plus One 934 Rhyme
11/30/2020 Heaven Scent-Tb 711 Than-Bauk
11/08/2020 The Railings of Life 404 Rhyme
11/05/2020 Pandemic 473 Rhyme
11/05/2020 Heaven's Hung In Black 438 Rhyme
10/17/2020 Autumnal Massacre 405 Rhyme
10/07/2020 The Great Gig In the Sky - 2020 438 Rhyme
10/04/2020 The Chair 433 Rhyme
09/08/2020 Entwined They Become 458 Rhyme
09/04/2020 That Light In the Sky 422 Rhyme
08/18/2020 From That Shower Exit 440 Rhyme
08/18/2020 Bill's Cucumbers 744 Limerick
08/16/2020 Yea, Those Seeds 699 Limerick
08/13/2020 Oppressed, Suppressed 466 Rhyme
08/07/2020 Our Country Is Ours 436 Rhyme
08/07/2020 What Do Us Humans Yearn 465 Rhyme
07/28/2020 Staring At the Moon 696 Rhyme
07/23/2020 Have You Ever Thought In Silence 410 Rhyme
07/22/2020 Contests No More 394 Footle
06/25/2020 Palawan Sighs 460 Rhyme
05/19/2020 When the Sparkle Has Gone 434 Rhyme
05/17/2020 Why Do Certain People Think They'Re Special 524 Rhyme
05/06/2020 In Times Like These 478 Rhyme
04/23/2020 Into Our Tomorrow's 617 Rhyme
04/01/2020 With Sporadic Participation 708 Rhyme
03/19/2020 Tick-Tock 420 Rhyme
03/16/2020 Once It Hits You 465 Rhyme
03/16/2020 Viruses 509 Rhyme
03/14/2020 Yea, It's Me 534 Limerick
04/12/2019 Before Comfortably Numb 633 Rhyme
04/12/2019 Internal Screaming 525 Free verse
03/22/2019 From Birth We Become 534 Rhyme
03/16/2019 I'M Up To My Neck In You 545 Rhyme
03/02/2019 A Scraping of Shovels 547 Rhyme
01/05/2019 I'M, I'M Kinda Lost 708 Rhyme
12/30/2018 I'M Always Amidst the Fog 543 Rhyme
12/08/2018 Being Brought Down 519 Free verse
09/09/2018 Black Pepper Seed 640 Rhyme
08/24/2018 Lusting Abyss, His Darkness 971 Rhyme
08/17/2018 It's Dark 505 Rhyme
08/17/2018 Am I Going Insane 620 Rhyme
08/10/2018 Glancing, I Find I'M Just Not There 712 Rhyme
07/13/2018 Boy, 1978 1288 Rhyme
07/13/2018 Drowning In the Currents of Life 657 Rhyme
05/08/2018 From Ones Abyss 603 Rhyme
04/22/2018 I Must Be Worth a Little Something 656 Rhyme
10/07/2017 World Cruise 1045 Acrostic
09/15/2017 I'M Just a Fallen Angel 865 Quatrain
09/15/2017 I'M Actually Half-Human 1012 Couplet
08/12/2017 People Come People Go 1513 Rhyme
08/05/2017 Free, But No 830 Rhyme
07/29/2017 Blind Infuriate 614 Rhyme
07/21/2017 Another Day Passes 668 Rhyme
07/08/2017 When Are We 763 Haiku
07/08/2017 Hey 707 Couplet
06/30/2017 And Then It Stopped 751 Sonnet
06/30/2017 When Petals Ignite 695 Tanka
06/27/2017 Amidst Highland Heather 706 Quatrain
06/11/2017 Through Eyes of Today 651 Couplet
05/20/2017 When I'D First Seen Her 3243 Quatrain
05/14/2017 Now Just Faces In Life's Distance 805 Quatrain
05/14/2017 Tracks To Nowhere 753 Quatrain
05/14/2017 When You Can'T Do Any-More 777 Quatrain
05/14/2017 Bee L Zee Bub 821 Couplet
02/25/2017 Role Reversal 1022 Rhyme
02/03/2017 Amidst Ruined Scatter, I Demise 1025 Rhyme
01/21/2017 Landed Thereon 757 Couplet
01/14/2017 Who Decided Right Or Wrong 765 Couplet
01/14/2017 Destinations Reached 761 Dodoitsu


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