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Poems by Lin Lane

Lin Lane - LIFETIME Premium Member Lin Lane - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Lin Lane. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Lin Lane.

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Best Lin Lane Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/16/2025 Cauldron of Magic Potion 47 Rhyme
02/16/2025 Sea of Serenity 36 Rhyme
02/15/2025 Sensuous Art -Pink Sweet Peas by Georgia O'Keeffe 276 Rhyme
02/13/2025 My Bloody Valentine 266 Rhyme
02/12/2025 Clinging to Hope: Hold onto This Anchor, Please 175 Sonnet
02/11/2025 Trial of Bridget Bishop 176 Rhyme
02/11/2025 Dandelion Wishes 78 Rhyme
02/10/2025 Undergrowth With Two Figures - Van Gogh 146 Free verse
02/10/2025 You're Invited to Collaborate 206 Limerick
02/09/2025 Amorous Hearts 150 Rhyme
02/09/2025 Hanging On For Dear Life 97 Rhyme
02/08/2025 A Box of Treasured Memories 143 Rhyme
02/07/2025 Sky of Fireflies 211 Narrative
02/07/2025 Embodying the Light 166 Rhyme
02/05/2025 Wild Gypsy Dancer 136 Other
02/04/2025 Lamb to the Slaughter 198 Rhyme
02/03/2025 valentine's day bouquet 145 Senryu
02/02/2025 Creative Inspiration 187 Rhyme
02/01/2025 Tempest Storm 149 Cinquain
01/31/2025 Night of Tragedy 220 Rhyme
01/31/2025 Sanguine Sunset 144 Rhyme
01/30/2025 While My Heart Aches 200 Kyrielle
01/29/2025 Drink From My Lips One Last Time 170 Rhyme
01/29/2025 On the Threshold of Depravities' Door 147 Vogon Poetry
01/28/2025 In Nature's Glory 173 Rhyme
01/24/2025 The Girls Are Back in Town: Collaboration 268 Limerick
01/21/2025 Worth Repeating 234 Rhyme
01/21/2025 Narrow Minded 237 Rhyme
01/15/2025 Blazing Dumpster 292 Limerick
01/14/2025 Winter Jasmine 330 Rhyme
12/28/2024 Darkness Veils My Eyes 819 Rhyme
12/27/2024 Setting the Goal of Tolerance 625 Rhyme
12/24/2024 Champagne 473 Pleiades
12/22/2024 In Twilight's Shadows 743 Rhyme
12/22/2024 November's Golden Days 639 Rhyme
12/18/2024 Holiday Fun 621 Limerick
12/17/2024 Walk the Tightrope 450 Rhyme
12/14/2024 Scent of Christmas 435 Free verse
12/12/2024 Dasher and Dancer's Christmas Eve Call Offs 545 Rhyme
12/12/2024 Spanakopita 404 Pleiades
12/11/2024 Christmas Snow 522 Rhyme
12/11/2024 An Auction of Global Size 284 Rhyme
12/08/2024 Streets of Solitude 594 Free verse
12/08/2024 Sensing the Sea 575 Diminished Hexaverse
12/07/2024 Poetic Wings 248 Tanka
12/06/2024 Love is a Rhythmic Dance of Romance 546 Romanticism
12/05/2024 Sunrise Over the Sea 445 Couplet
12/05/2024 Remembering A Friend: Milton Hankins 479 Elegy
12/04/2024 Frosted Windowpanes 268 Free verse
12/03/2024 Take Wing, My Heart 298 Sonnet
12/02/2024 Echoing Refrain 256 Free verse
12/02/2024 A Tale of Old 441 Rhyme
12/01/2024 melting glaciers 417 Haiku
12/01/2024 Safe Driving Tips 450 Rhyme
12/01/2024 Crying Mercy 435 Rhyme
11/30/2024 Seriously Funny 410 Rhyme
11/30/2024 A Psychedelic Journey 359 Rhyme
11/28/2024 I Am Thankful For 446 Rhyme
11/26/2024 Three Sides to Every Story 620 Rhyme
11/25/2024 If You Preach it, Live it 678 Rhyme
11/25/2024 Christmas Shopping Madness 563 Rhyme
11/24/2024 Who I Am 404 Verse
11/23/2024 Bite Your Tongue 536 Rhyme
11/22/2024 Soft Glow of Moonlight 273 Rhyme
11/21/2024 A Tale of Oz 246 Limerick
11/20/2024 Upon Waking 370 Rhyme
11/19/2024 Memory's Wings 306 Rhyme
11/18/2024 I Breathe Silence 379 Free verse
11/16/2024 Kim, Trump, Vlad and Musk 413 Limerick
11/16/2024 Chill of Winter 350 Rhyme
11/15/2024 Where My Brush Strokes Linger 729 Romanticism
11/13/2024 Poets and Painters 559 Limerick
11/11/2024 His Feathered Image 594 Free verse
11/09/2024 For Those Who Love 573 Free verse
11/09/2024 What's Dumb 598 Monoku
11/08/2024 Stardust on Autumn Leaves 548 Free verse
11/05/2024 Look to the Sky 527 Monoku
11/05/2024 Addressing the Soup: For Constance 822 Rhyme
11/05/2024 Corny, Hairy and Schmo 398 Limerick
11/04/2024 Another Twilight Death 445 Haibun
11/04/2024 Gullible vs Sane 372 Monoku
11/04/2024 A Few Steps Behind 314 Rhyme
11/03/2024 Animating Innate Vibrance 411 Rhyme
11/02/2024 Memory's Souvenirs 378 Free verse
10/31/2024 Holiday Humor Limericks 933 Limerick
10/30/2024 Satire in Limerick Acts 491 Limerick
10/30/2024 Jill's Wishes Came True 352 Rhyme
10/29/2024 Sitewide Collaboration 433 Limerick
10/29/2024 What a Despicable Jerk 411 Limerick
10/28/2024 A Problem Free Philosophy 434 Free verse
10/27/2024 In Marked Territory 560 Rhyme
10/26/2024 I Sat Beneath a Willow 562 Triolet
10/25/2024 Space Between the Stars 490 Free verse
10/24/2024 My Truths 696 Verse
10/24/2024 Petals of Pain 628 Free verse
10/23/2024 A Peaceful Soup 794 Monoku
10/23/2024 Taunted and Haunted 431 Rhyme
10/22/2024 I Almost Tossed it Out 502 Free verse
10/21/2024 Winter 465 Sapphic stanza
10/20/2024 Bone Beach 672 Rhyme


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry