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Read Poems by Robert L. Hinshaw

Robert L. Hinshaw Avatar Robert L. Hinshaw - LIFETIME Premium Member Robert L. Hinshaw - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by poet Robert L. Hinshaw. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Paradise Island Dream

The kids are gone, I'm retired, I'm takin' a long vacation,
To Paradise Island with sunny beaches, that's my destination!
I'll spend the days savorin' a climate of seventy-two degrees,
Snoozin' 'neath the palms, cooled by the ocean breeze!

Each morn as I stretch and yawn to meet another gorgeous day,
A glorious sunrise greets me from across the tranquil bay.
I release the worries and frustrations from my languid soul,
As upon the beautiful, sandy strand I take my mornin' stroll!

'Tis soothin' to the ear as the surf floods the pristine beach;
Beyond that, there is heard only the terns' occasional screech.
Sandpipers and sidelin' crabs entertain me scurrin' about;
I watch a ship cross the aqua sea, plyin' its leisurely route!

'Tis relaxin' to sip a Manhattan when another day is done,
And just sit back to enjoy the grandeur of the settin' sun.
Later, as tho' emergin' from the sea, rises a brilliant moon,
And romantic music serenades me from across the lagoon!

I'll have a lobster dinner, then to bed 'cause its gettin' late,
Or maybe a dip in the surf - but hold on just a minute, wait!
Sashayin' across the moonlit beach somethin' makes my eyes gleam!
A bikini- clad beauty!, Just as the missus pokes me, shatterin' my dream! 

Copyright © Robert L. Hinshaw | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 6/26/2024 5:02:00 PM

Wonderful imagery my friend. It suckswhen we wake up in the middle of a good dream.
Date: 6/22/2024 4:22:00 PM

Robert_ i know you are loving youR NEW diGS, I would not mind going to Brazil and meeting a tanned, young man in the speedo! And later Dancing the Samba! Pangie xx
Date: 6/22/2024 12:29:00 PM

ha! delightfully described, bob, with a perfect and very funny ending! i enjoyed!


Book: Reflection on the Important Things