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Poems by Eileen Manassian

Eileen  Manassian - LIFETIME Premium Member Eileen  Manassian - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by _Not Listed poet Eileen Manassian. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Eileen Manassian.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/25/2024 Live or Die Politics 346 Quatrain
07/22/2024 Held Hostage 190 Rhyme
07/21/2024 He Rules in Splendor 99 Personification
07/18/2024 Love Stronger than Silence 341 Free verse
07/17/2024 Celebrity Crush 115 Free verse
07/13/2024 Heal, Little Heart 327 Free verse
07/10/2024 Against My Will 222 Rhyme
07/09/2024 The Making of a Genocide 1924 Rhyme
07/08/2024 Packing and Unpacking Pain 416 Rhyme
07/07/2024 Take Me Away 421 Dramatic Monologue
07/06/2024 My Rescuer 428 Rhyme
06/15/2024 Poems Past 474 Rhyme
06/14/2024 The Treasure Box 172 Haibun
06/09/2024 God, Tell Me Why 433 Rhyme
06/07/2024 Obsession's Redemption 503 Dramatic Monologue
05/27/2024 I Wish I Were Beautiful 293 Dramatic Monologue
05/22/2024 I Wish You Knew 558 Dramatic Monologue
05/12/2024 Yours 460 Narrative
05/04/2024 The Seasons of Our Love 557 Dramatic Monologue
05/03/2024 I Hate this World 506 Quatrain
04/29/2024 My Favorite Star 586 Rhyme
04/08/2024 Unruly Thoughts at Play 375 Rhyme
04/03/2024 When Moon is Full 377 Blank verse
10/15/2023 Poets Are a Funny Lot 493 Rhyme
09/23/2023 Romantic Reminiscence 251 Rhyme
09/06/2023 Why Leave So Soon? 348 Rhyme
09/05/2023 I Loved You Once 254 Rhyme
07/25/2023 This Too Shall Pass 494 Quatrain
07/25/2023 My Mental Health 778 Rhyme
01/15/2023 I Miss You 755 Rhyme
12/04/2022 I Want You 658 Free verse
09/25/2022 The Passing 618 Dramatic Monologue
01/24/2022 The Introverted Mood of Night 608 Rhyme
10/19/2021 Where Will He Sleep Tonight 771 Rhyme
06/04/2021 It Was Easy 791 Free verse
03/27/2021 Forgotten 900 Dramatic Monologue
06/16/2020 Free Lebanon Today 1089 Acrostic
06/05/2020 Never Silent 1093 Free verse
05/14/2020 To the Fallen of Covid 19 1019 Iambic Pentameter
05/07/2020 Fireflies Or Fairies 730 Rhyme
04/27/2020 Lockdown Lockout 634 Rubaiyat
04/15/2020 Don't Come Around 1275 Quatrain
04/14/2020 A Sweeter Scent 791 Sedoka
03/31/2020 The Worst of Deaths 997 Sonnet
03/27/2020 Through Alleys of My Mind 566 Sonnet
03/19/2020 Where Poppies Grow 872 Iambic Pentameter
03/06/2020 The Fickle Fate of Friendship 1216 Rhyme
03/06/2020 Heaven's Gift 819 Rhyme
02/03/2020 Poetry Soup Ponderings 597 Rhyme
10/25/2019 Some Things Never Change 808 Rhyme
09/26/2019 A Rush of Emotions 955 Rhyme
09/16/2019 Let Them Sing Their Love Songs 811 Rhyme
07/11/2019 Life 748 Personification
06/07/2019 In Response To Dylan Thomas 708 Villanelle
04/17/2019 This Easter 578 Rhyme
12/13/2018 This Thing Called Love 2118 Iambic Pentameter
11/20/2018 The Day You Gently Let Me Go 832 Rhyme
10/10/2018 Dancing Desire 889 Free verse
09/23/2018 Blame It On the Cat 805 Free verse
08/28/2018 Undressed- a Collaboration 1295 Rhyme
08/02/2018 Be Silent 1148 Dramatic Monologue
07/16/2018 You Keep Me Grounded 1392 Narrative
07/05/2018 To Albert Bandura: I Wish You Knew 2699 Iambic Pentameter
06/28/2018 A Gentle Slam 3146 Dramatic Monologue
06/26/2018 Celestial Sphere 1034 Blank verse
06/18/2018 They Ask Me Why I Love You 956 Lyric
06/15/2018 You Are My Poem of the Day 956 Dramatic Monologue
06/15/2018 You Wear Away At Me 769 Dramatic Monologue
06/06/2018 A Wordless Sky 1359 Rhyme
06/05/2018 I Miss You 1039 Quatrain
06/01/2018 All That Remains 837 Rhyme
05/30/2018 The Markle Sparkle 843 Enclosed Rhyme
05/29/2018 My Need For Love 857 Dramatic Monologue
05/28/2018 My Lover's Words 678 Rhyme
05/08/2018 My Wonder of Wonders 687 Rhyme
05/08/2018 It Is Not So Easy For Me 1030 Dramatic Monologue
05/05/2018 The Ghostland 1017 Dramatic Monologue
05/04/2018 Hersheys Kisses In My Bed 1559 Rhyme
05/04/2018 I Wish That I Were 778 Limerick
04/28/2018 In Memory of You 1852 Iambic Pentameter
04/15/2018 The Unseen Conflict 1489 Iambic Pentameter
03/19/2018 I Mark the Years 682 Rhyme
03/14/2018 Shoes On the Lawn 1150 Dramatic Monologue
03/11/2018 Ashley G 667 Couplet
03/11/2018 You Made Your Bed 1186 Rhyme
03/03/2018 Should I Return 1003 Sonnet
01/28/2018 The Veil I Wear 2344 Dramatic Monologue
01/18/2018 Oldies Are Goldies 1320 Free verse
01/16/2018 My Message To Trump 1138 Iambic Pentameter
12/15/2017 This Time of Year- For Jean Jack 1373 Iambic Pentameter
12/11/2017 Chinks In the Armor: a Collaboration 967 Rhyme
12/10/2017 Persian and Proud 1871 Rhyme
11/23/2017 Unsayable 1006 Couplet
11/22/2017 Existentialist Examiner 897 Dramatic Monologue
11/21/2017 For the Children of Yemen 1684 Dramatic Monologue
11/21/2017 Wishes Are For Fools 810 Quatrain
11/18/2017 The Kiss of Klimt 1305 Iambic Pentameter
11/18/2017 Constanza 874 Rhyme
11/18/2017 Stalker Shocker 1130 Iambic Pentameter
11/13/2017 One Stone 724 Sonnet


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I guess you could say I'm a citizen of the world. I've traveled....and I've lived parts of my life in Iran, Lebanon, the US, and Cyprus. I am proud of my Armenian heritage. I was born in Tehran, Iran and soon after that, my family went to the States for my dad to work on his MA degree and many years later, to work on his Ed.D. I have a lot of the Middle East and the West in me, and at times....I feel confused about my identity. I do, however, cling to my Armenian roots and am outspoken about recognition by the world of the Armenian Genocide that took place over 100 years ago.

Since my parents had no common language, the language spoken in our home was English. Yes, I am most fluent in English, and I think, dream, and converse in that language, though I do speak 5 other languages to varying degrees! :)

I am melancholy/sanguine by nature and feel everything very keenly. My highs are SUPER HIGH...and my lows...SUPER LOW! I guess you could say...I'm INTENSE. I'm passionate about poetry to the point of obsession.

The events that have colored my life are the death of my mother due to MS and the war in Lebanon. As a child, it was hard for me to come to grips with the fact that my mother was ill, and to see her go from being a vibrant, well-loved teacher to a wheelchair bound, isolated woman was a very harrowing experience. I do believe, though, that there is a resurrection day and that, by His grace, I will see my Mama fully of wheelchair, able to sing, laugh, and smile again. The war in Lebanon...bombs landing all around, nights spent in bomb shelters.. has also scarred me to some degree.

What I'm most proud of? That would be my daughter...Shereen Natalie Ghali. She is the light of my life. Her name in Farsi means SWEET! :)

Currently, I teach English at Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon. Poetry Soup has been a haven for me....most of the time! ;) I've developed amazing friendships here that are very genuine and real. My dream is to one day have my name on a volume of poetry! One can always dream....Thank you for making the effort to get acquainted. God bless!


Book: Reflection on the Important Things