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Read Poems by Kelly Deschler

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Below are poems written by poet Kelly Deschler. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...


Another June

Another June ...
Underneath the same sun,
Much like the last forty
And now its forty-one

Forty-one long years ...
Below the same sky,
The finches are still here
And somehow, so am I

To see the zinnia
Come into full bloom,
To see the sunset
Longer does it loom

To hang wet laundry 
Flapping in the breeze,
Where goes a bumble bee
Buzzing 'round my knees

Another June ...
Come and gone so slow,
Still, I am not sad ...
To see her finally go.

Copyright © Kelly Deschler | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/25/2024 6:01:00 AM

Date: 7/15/2024 11:44:00 PM

I like the third verse beautiful write gives sense of time and space 41 is that your age you don't look it beautiful poem xx
Date: 7/10/2024 3:31:00 AM

All that’s been said already: lovely work Kelly. I sense an air of sadness and longing in your words in the first two stanzas but then a more positive tone in the last two stanzas. June means different things to different people. I really like your rhyming. Cheers - Gary
Date: 7/4/2024 4:01:00 AM

Very true how it seems that June took her time this year. Miss hanging wet laundry and being outside- I live in a Sub division now and you miss out on so much that you enjoyed before!
Date: 6/30/2024 2:21:00 PM

Wear I live now we have two seasons; Hot and hotter. We are now in the hotter. I finally get it where Stevie Wonder named his album "Hotter than July". But the good thing is we have flowers Year around.
Date: 6/29/2024 8:13:00 PM

I enjoy this pleasant poem of a sweet month, June.
Date: 6/29/2024 5:43:00 PM

stunning portrayal of the value of june in your life...and yes, may you have the happiest of birthdays as june finds you well, Kelly...beautiful in it's brevity... Blessings
Date: 6/29/2024 10:58:00 AM

Your rhyming is impeccable, Kelly. We can't hold back time, but we can enjoy each day as much as possible. Great imagery.
Date: 6/29/2024 10:14:00 AM

oh how the years fy by Kelly, may you enjoy many more birthday's I especially love these 2 stanzas, "Forty-one long years ... Below the same sky, The finches are still here And somehow, so am I To see the zinnia Come into full bloom, To see the sunset Longer does it loom". hugs jan xx


Book: Shattered Sighs