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Read Poems by Maurice Rigoler

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Below are poems written by poet Maurice Rigoler. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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This Crown of Thorns

We wear it like a scar
often hidden from public view
as though a mark of shame.

We wear it with a stoic smile
we hardly feel our own, for even
a simple smile requires effort.

It erodes our countenance
like the rush of scouring waters 
on a hillside; it claws

at our peace of mind until it 
tears the skin of our patience
and draws blood from our despair.

It is, for reasons that still elude us,
the co-conspirator with the night, asserting
its presence with greater insistence.

It turns each day into an 
unwanted journey rather than 
a pleasant walk.

It is warfare for which 
we have no protective armor,
no defenses, no allies, except endurance.

It is an endless encounter
bravely fought, rarely won, 
never conquered. It is that unwon, 

unwanted heroism we grudgingly 
condescend to wear – more 
a crown of thorns than laurel.

Copyright © Maurice Rigoler | Year Posted 2024


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Book: Shattered Sighs