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Read Poems by Eileen Manassian

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Below are poems written by poet Eileen Manassian. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Live or Die Politics

Don't live or die for a leader
Live or die for a good cause
Don't be mislead by fervor
That instigates the applause

A just world for everyone
Is the politics for me
Where people are all valued
Not by race or by some creed

Don't follow someone blindly
who preaches supremacy.
There is no "us" versus "them"
We're part of humanity

Follow leaders who want peace
not demanding sacrifice
of your freedom, home, and life
who themselves won't pay the price

Follow those who lead the way
At the front of every crowd
Who instill in every heart
A good cause to be proud

A leader who wants what's best
At home and for those abroad
A leader who understands
That we're all children of God

Leading is never easy
By example one must show
What it means to be noble,
heroic in face of foe

Be careful who you follow,
for that reveals who you are
A leader's only human
Don't make him into a star

He has his flaws and foibles
Nobody is above blame
Unless you think he's like God 
At some point he'll bring you shame

My advice is so simple
Follow One who's best of all,
For His name is Jesus Christ
With him you will never fall

He led by His example
A servant, though a true King
He saw no class or gender
A new kingdom he will bring

He never disappoints me
My Leader, Savior, and Guide
Political agenda?
To always be by my side

I pledge my heart's allegiance 
To the One who died for me
I'll follow my great leader
Now and to eternity. 

Eileen Manassian

Copyright © Eileen Manassian | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/26/2024 7:06:00 AM

Dear Eileen, I so enjoyed reading, and it filled my heart. Jesus is the answer and only answer to all of life's problems, and no one should be elevated to a god, no matter their status. Amen, My Sister, Amen! - Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 7/26/2024 5:26:00 AM

My sentiments exactly. When people ask me who I'm going to vote for I tell them I voted for Jesus as my king in 1984 (my baptism) and haven't changed my vote since. Psalm 37:10,11,29 confirms your wish for a global brotherhood of man. It's coming
Date: 7/26/2024 12:34:00 AM

such a powerful message we need to act on,Eileen...really nice to read you again!


Book: Shattered Sighs