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Poems by Nandita Das

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Below are poems written by India poet Nandita Das. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Nandita Das.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/10/2023 Power of Poetry 377 Verse
06/20/2021 Books 195 Rhyme
11/30/2016 You Cannot Quell Our Spirit 839 Rhyme
05/07/2016 Mother, Sweet Mother 2759 Dramatic Monologue
04/24/2016 Immortal Soul 847 Pantoum
04/23/2016 Nature-Pantoum 1205 Pantoum
04/21/2016 Beloved Poets 837 Rhyme
04/21/2016 Nature Sonnet 862 Sonnet
04/21/2016 Blessed Are the Peacemakers 1488 Rhyme
02/25/2016 Heart, Mind and Soul 1478 Rhyme
02/14/2016 Fading Love 875 Rhyme
08/14/2015 India 2094 Rhyme
07/17/2015 Beauty of Nature 2377 Sonnet
07/01/2015 Poetry 1013 Verse
06/27/2015 Flow of Time 1017 Rhyme
05/22/2015 Oops I Did It Again 1505 Rhyme
05/16/2015 Sign of Fame 1496 Verse
05/14/2015 Newton's Law 20816 Rhyme
05/07/2015 A Beautiful Dream 2571 Free verse
04/29/2015 Just Doesn'T Add Up 7175 Limerick
04/26/2015 I Am Nan -No Relation of Jan 2044 Limerick
04/19/2015 Nature's Beauty 1324 Rhyme
04/17/2015 Nandita Das Bio 1552 Rhyme
04/14/2015 Killing With Kindness 2897 Limerick
04/14/2015 Beauty of Nature : Alliteration 5377 Sapphic stanza
04/12/2015 Drawing Attention 1583 Limerick
04/07/2015 The Mind Is An Universe 1966 Rhyme
04/04/2015 I Have a Dream 2034 Rhyme
04/04/2015 A Woman's Charm 1691 I do not know?
03/28/2015 When the Stars Aligned 2915 Rhyme
03/27/2015 Stalemate 2110 Prose

Book: Reflection on the Important Things