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Poems by Bill Lindsay

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Bill Lindsay. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Bill Lindsay.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
01/07/2018 Understanding Women 634 377 Shape
02/21/2017 Tipsformarriedmen 24 544 Shape
02/20/2017 Too Many Hops 567 Shape
12/01/2016 Understanding Women 181 484 Shape
12/01/2016 Time Travel It Is, Then 622 Shape
10/02/2016 Presidential Pains 382 Quatrain
10/02/2016 Spirit Loosed 515 Shape
10/02/2016 Slugs Have 4 Noses 609 Quatrain
10/02/2016 This Cannot Be Right 581 Shape
10/01/2016 They Will Have Put Him In the Wrong Way Around 463 Shape
09/29/2016 When She's 29 429 Free verse
09/29/2016 Incidentally, I Love What You'Ve Done With the Place 607 Free verse
09/29/2016 And I Don'T Know How To Play Pokemon Go 1096 Free verse
09/29/2016 And I Thought I Had Bad Breath 874 Free verse
09/29/2016 I'M An Optimist, I Found One 751 Free verse
09/29/2016 With Two Asterisks, You Can Do, Or Be, Anything You Wish 502 Free verse
07/24/2016 Party Time 585 Quatrain
07/23/2016 I'M Saying Nothin' 589 Limerick
07/23/2016 January 20th 2017 525 Quatrain
07/14/2016 Happy, Sad 655 Shape
05/05/2016 A Song of Spring 554 Quatrain
05/02/2016 Cycle Lame Ahead 639 Shape
05/01/2016 You Hurt Me Good 453 Quatrain
04/27/2016 Party Time 1205 Shape
04/22/2016 Thoughts 573 Shape
04/19/2016 Middle Age Issues 799 Shape
04/19/2016 Not Just Broadminded 786 Shape
04/19/2016 Shakespeare and Iphones 848 Quatrain
04/19/2016 Visionary 588 Shape
04/19/2016 Hindsight 530 Quatrain
04/13/2016 Retrospective 519 Quatrain
03/29/2016 A Sobering Truth 597 Shape
03/29/2016 She'Ll Love You Forever 1063 Shape
03/29/2016 Life Lessons For Guys, Number 42 848 Shape
03/29/2016 36,24,36 737 Shape
03/29/2016 Understanding Women, Number 28 619 Shape
03/29/2016 Useful Tips For Guys, Number 23 654 Shape
03/29/2016 Twins Looking At Family Pics 520 Free verse
03/20/2016 Free Home Entertainment 613 Shape
03/19/2016 Chill, Baby 851 Shape
03/19/2016 St-Ink 615 Shape
03/19/2016 Succinct 548 Shape
03/03/2016 Aquarius 918 Shape
03/03/2016 Conversation Killer 530 Shape
03/03/2016 I'Ll Never Do That Again 599 Shape
03/03/2016 Understanding Women, Number 19 499 Shape
03/03/2016 Smile, Please 664 Shape
03/03/2016 Understanding Women, Number 12 527 Shape
03/03/2016 Understanding Women, Number 329 461 Shape
03/03/2016 So This Is Love 512 Shape
02/18/2016 A Very Rude Awakening 1203 Quatrain
02/17/2016 In a Perfect World 748 Quatrain
02/14/2016 Valentine Dischord 653 Free verse
02/12/2016 Hypertension 931 Free verse
02/03/2016 Trick Question 652 Shape
01/25/2016 Not So Wild West 725 Shape
01/20/2016 Heartache 681 Shape
01/19/2016 I'D Pay To See That 769 Shape
11/15/2015 Computers Are Annoying 1420 Shape
11/13/2015 If Only 683 Shape
11/13/2015 Uncool 641 Shape
11/12/2015 Bread V Beer 1143 Shape
11/12/2015 Misnomer 907 Shape
11/09/2015 Long Story Short 727 Shape
11/09/2015 I'Ll Take Two 1281 Shape
11/06/2015 Sounds About Right 597 Shape
11/06/2015 Overheard Number 5 594 Shape
11/06/2015 Laziness 101 913 Shape
11/06/2015 Don'T Fool Yourself 763 Shape
11/06/2015 I'Ll Never Do That Again 636 Shape
10/21/2015 Dreambuilder 587 Questionku
10/14/2015 Darkness Into Light 1549 Quatrain
10/14/2015 Borne By Love 1148 Shape
10/13/2015 Bloodmoon 491 Tanka
10/13/2015 10 Lines Or Less 941 Rhyme
10/13/2015 Are You There, God 689 Free verse
10/13/2015 Twelve Thousand Miles 658 Quatrain
10/12/2015 Jeepers Creepers 793 Quatrain
10/11/2015 Thinking of You 1085 Shape
10/09/2015 1776 - Jefferson, Franklin and Adams 1093 Quatrain
10/09/2015 Search Canaan For Casarah Nance 556 Quatrain
10/08/2015 Funny Kids 1025 Limerick
10/08/2015 Truth Or Lies - Ninette 657 Shape
10/08/2015 Poetical Infinitian - For Contest 524 Acrostic
10/07/2015 Thief of Time 486 Shape
10/05/2015 Funny But True 1131 Shape
10/05/2015 Filtering the Gene Pool 1166 Shape
10/04/2015 Supermoon Eclipse - For Contest 677 Quatrain
10/02/2015 A Painful Halloween 828 Couplet
10/02/2015 Middle Age Dread 995 Shape
10/02/2015 Dancing To Music Only She Can Hear - For Contest 798 Couplet
10/02/2015 Office Romance For Zyx Contest 540 Acrostic
10/01/2015 Lessons Learned In Life - For Contest 750 Etheree
09/27/2015 In Response To My First Poem - For Contest 858 I do not know?
09/27/2015 Doggone 946 Shape
09/27/2015 Not Parked - Abandoned 681 Shape
09/27/2015 Home Sweet Home 637 Shape
09/27/2015 Ideas Above My Station 819 Shape
09/27/2015 Maniac Insomniac 555 Shape
09/27/2015 Checkmate 809 Shape


Quote Left The worst decisions always make the best stories. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Mere words, once writ, the fire is lit. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left It is the heartfelt wish of every man to shine his light upon this planet blue, 'ere the wind blows and his flame is blown out forever. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left All that is of any worth is delivered to the feet of the honest giver. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Your thumb held aloft hides 10,000 Galaxies - and while you ponder the enormity of creation, God is looking down and appreciates your approval. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Refuse a gift and you both lose out. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left A backward step often clears the way ahead. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Be not afraid to stumble - it is still progress. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Are you as bored as I am - am I as bored as you are? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left My phone just filmed a 2 hour documentary about life in my pocket Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left I dreamed I was awake and when I woke up I was asleep Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left That last hangover felt like Tarantino directed it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left I'm blessed up to here - wish I was taller. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Snow brings back the childhood you thought was lost - until you fall on your face. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left In the presence of fools, the wise will emerge. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Wisdom often says nothing at all. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Being in love hurts. No, wait - I'm sitting on my keys. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Some mistakes are just too much fun to make just once. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Is it true that sometimes you laugh so hard the tears run down your leg? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Dora the Explorer should be known as Dora the Tourist - she only ever visits places already on the map. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left Joggers should simply set off earlier, then they could walk it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Quote Left At the end of the day - it gets dark Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Lindsay

Book: Shattered Sighs