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Poems by Viv Wigley

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Viv Wigley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Viv Wigley.

Read Poems by Viv Wigley

Best Viv Wigley Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
01/31/2024 Commitment 286 Rhyme
07/23/2022 A Wedding Is Announced 506 Rhyme
03/18/2022 Happy Couple 604 Rhyme
03/04/2022 Cat In a Box 443 Rhyme
02/01/2022 A Funeral 455 Rhyme
01/30/2022 Resolution Graveyard 359 Rhyme
01/16/2022 New Me 425 Rhyme
11/03/2021 Cold Start 552 Rhyme
10/19/2021 Take Me To Your Leader 609 Rhyme
08/21/2021 Ambush 541 Sonnet
08/15/2021 To the Young 326 Rhyme
08/13/2021 Saint Mum 251 Sonnet
08/05/2021 Idle Olympics 326 Rhyme
07/22/2021 July Summer Sky 364 Free verse
05/16/2021 Artificial Intelligence 630 Rhyme
04/30/2021 Requiesce In Pace 339 Rhyme
02/21/2021 The Lotus Eaters 379 Rhyme
02/01/2021 Arms Race 573 Rhyme
10/26/2020 Halloween 2020 319 Rhyme
10/25/2020 The Sack 394 Rhyme
10/10/2020 Behind the Mask 328 Sonnet
10/10/2020 Clock Watching 406 Free verse
09/28/2020 Victim 263 Free verse
09/28/2020 Relatively Creaking 341 Rhyme
09/06/2020 Little Friends 322 Rhyme
09/06/2020 Slow Down 362 Rhyme
09/04/2020 Donald Trump 427 Clerihew
08/29/2020 Conkers 507 Rhyme
07/25/2020 Odd Jobs 324 Rhyme
07/07/2020 Two Sides 315 Sonnet
05/10/2020 Greed 417 Couplet
04/22/2020 Lockdown Week Three 482 Rhyme
03/24/2020 There Will Come a Day 561 Free verse
03/18/2020 Covid-19 the Upside 433 Rhyme
02/19/2020 Good Deeds 464 Free verse
02/12/2020 Man of Ages 493 Sonnet
02/09/2020 A Passing 418 Rhyme
01/01/2020 Thats Settled Then 568 Rhyme
11/27/2019 Stuck In a Christmas Globe 436 Rhyme
09/07/2019 Together Apart 593 Rhyme
09/04/2019 Pigeons 402 Rhyme
04/14/2019 Thermos Flask 659 Rhyme
03/28/2019 Thicker Than Water 454 Rhyme
03/20/2019 Spectrum 346 Rhyme
03/20/2019 Rocket 589 Rhyme
03/18/2019 Naked Butlers 458 Rhyme
03/09/2019 The Man At Number Ten 740 Sonnet
03/09/2019 Early Light 692 Sonnet
01/03/2019 December Farewell 553 Rhyme
12/28/2018 New Year 522 Sonnet
11/14/2018 Hello 814 Sonnet
11/04/2018 Books 1507 Free verse
10/28/2018 In the Bin 455 Rhyme
10/25/2018 Try Something New 665 Rhyme
10/24/2018 Rainbow 1295 Sonnet
10/17/2018 Tributes 424 Rhyme
10/01/2018 A Sonnet On Ageing 546 Sonnet
09/23/2018 Seasonal Affected Disorder 604 Rhyme
09/22/2018 In the Beginning 909 Rhyme
09/18/2018 The Ockbrook Incident 425 Rhyme
09/15/2018 Somewhere In the Arctic 890 Rhyme
09/13/2018 Bad For Business 976 Rhyme
09/12/2018 Shush Did You Hear That 551 Rhyme
09/10/2018 Booby 901 Limerick
09/10/2018 Prove It 568 Rhyme
09/10/2018 Third Light 420 Rhyme
09/09/2018 Night Horror 402 Rhyme
09/09/2018 Describe Heaven 604 Rhyme
08/26/2018 Shopping Scenters 564 Rhyme
08/26/2018 The Haunted House 650 Rhyme
08/25/2018 Eat, Drink and Be Merry 823 Rhyme
08/22/2018 Who Do I Think I Am 687 Rhyme
08/19/2018 The Deal 504 Sonnet
08/12/2018 Everyday Angel 506 Rhyme
08/11/2018 Pick N Mix 596 Rhyme
08/08/2018 A Rattling Rhyme 1061 Rhyme
08/05/2018 Clair De Lune 1322 Free verse
07/31/2018 Seaside 557 Senryu
07/29/2018 Step In the Past 595 Rhyme
07/25/2018 Be Not Sad 561 Epigram
07/25/2018 Waiter There's a Fly 486 Rhyme
07/22/2018 Last Train 526 Sonnet
07/21/2018 Everything Will Be Fine 461 Rhyme
07/15/2018 Baby Joys and Tears 544 Rhyme
07/15/2018 A July Dawn 812 Sonnet
07/12/2018 After the England Semi Final 756 Rhyme
07/10/2018 An Incomplete Love Story 609 Rhyme
07/01/2018 My Feet 450 Senryu
06/28/2018 On the Pull 678 Rhyme
06/26/2018 Childhood Fun 688 Rhyme
06/25/2018 Nine Seventeen 1015 Free verse
06/24/2018 The Sun Will Shine Brighter 544 Rhyme
06/21/2018 Say What 469 Rhyme
06/10/2018 What I Learned From Old Music 641 Rhyme
06/05/2018 These Are the Days 468 Rhyme
05/09/2018 First Encounter 525 Rhyme
05/07/2018 The Hangover of 1985 579 Rhyme
05/06/2018 Intruder 482 Rhyme
05/03/2018 Three Ghosts 578 Rhyme
05/02/2018 Dating Advice For Women 758 Rhyme


Quote Left When it comes to spelling, nobody's prefect. Quote Right
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry