Book: Reflection on the Important Things

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krenee9 - all messages by user

4/23/2018 7:01:07 PM
really. it is understood in modern English writing
that the word really
is not correct grammar

really important, really beautiful, really bad

a writer has two options:
substitute one word instead,
one that carries greater meaning—
a word that communicates just how much more important, beautiful, or bad something is,
because you must be unable to express what you want to say

or simply remove really
because they (whoever “they” are that decide these things)
have assumed the strong emotions, feelings, & thoughts you wrote, must be exaggerated

but sometimes when you write that something is really important,
you don’t mean crucial or imperative,
you just mean

or when I say I really like you,
I don’t mean I fancy you, I adore you, I appreciate you
& I definitely don’t mean I love you.
at least I don’t think so.

I mean I could love you, that I want to love you, but in no way do I know now.

but what I do know is
like just doesn’t cut it.

when we were kids, it was always such a big deal when someone went from like to like-like.
our language as children evolved
to communicate something for which adults would use a completely different word.
it’s so funny that saying a word twice increased the meaning.

but alas,
(because this is a poem & poems use words like alas)
the evolution of learning removes cause for the evolution that got us to like-like.

I am an adult now,
& I like-like you.
I am an adult now,
& I do not think I love you.
I am an adult now,
& I know that like doesn’t cut it.
so I am an adult now,
& I really like you.
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