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Concrete Poems | Concrete Examples

Concrete Poems

These are examples of new concrete poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous concrete poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of this form of poetry.

Concrete poetry is a type of poem that takes the shape of the object it describes or forms some type of visual related to the theme or topic of the poem. Thus, concrete poems are often referred to as shape poetry. However, there is more to a concrete poem. What is concrete in poetry (complete definition)?

Ariana Lynn Portillo
Wedding dress rides bicycle. She cracked ribs staring in my window. ...Read the rest...
Categories: adventure, allegory, america,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member City Lights
I Win Every Time we Cross this bridge The city lights ignite...Read the rest...
Categories: uplifting,
Form: Concrete

Premium Member AI tree
A AI AiAiAi AiAiAiAi iAiAiAiAiA AAAAAAhhhhhh AhaAhaAhaAhaAhaAha ????aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaa???? A=/=I? I=\=A! ...Read the rest...
Categories: society, surreal, technology,
Form: Concrete

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Light That Lights All Llghts
Primordial begs a question. Precursor answers, prior request. Clarity necessitates perspective anchored. Pre-Genesis /\ Chapter 1: Verse 1 of it being OUR EARTH-- / \ Verse 3 is the FIRST LIGHT as our Daystar/ ...Read the rest...
Categories: death, destiny, mother son,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member wind chill
w > w > w > w i n > n > n d W > I D …C <...Read the rest...
Categories: surreal, weather, winter,
Form: Concrete

Premium Member Numeral II
Picture Professor Bahnsen are at a blackboard, and he draw the numeral two on the blackboard. Professor Bahnsen then asks “Is that the number two?” One students says “Yes.” Professor Bahnsen...Read the rest...
Categories: atheist, christian, math, philosophy,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member End of all Spiritual disciplines
. .................. at home ..........nagging doubts reveal .....when you’ve just found it there ....certain lit flame inside our salient cave ....What is it. Why is it there. Thing unknown.. ....I do not get the language a certain longing .....A fulfillment a...Read the rest...
Categories: dedication, spiritual,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Ode to unpaid labor
Ode to unpaid labor...Read the rest...
Categories: culture, jobs,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Buddha and the serial killer
. “Who is ...Read the rest...
Categories: devotion,
Form: Concrete
Animating Innate Vibrance
Eighty-six billion neurons reside ...Read the rest...
Categories: analogy, appreciation,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member DEAR HEART--I Love You-
So Dearest precious Love I love you my love I love you I love so you so my love yes...Read the rest...
Categories: analogy, appreciation, devotion, how
Form: Concrete
Deeper waters
Nasty Me, Hypocrite From the looks of things, I've gazed deep into my soul, And it only gives rise to pain. I am the shadow that consumes your light, A toxic lover, poisoning your sight. My touch, a flame that burns...Read the rest...
Categories: age, art, assonance,
Form: Concrete
A Wanderer's Cry
A Wanderer's Cry From afar, I've journeyed, lost and alone Here i am again back in the same place so many times My heart heavy with shame down on my knees, my soul overthrown Countless times I've...Read the rest...
Categories: beauty, courage, happiness,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Butterfly Go Home
GO GO GIVE...Read the rest...
Categories: beautiful, beauty, nature,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Rain Poem
Categories: nature, rain,
Form: Concrete

Specific Types of Concrete Poems

Read wonderful concrete poetry on the following sub-topics: basketball, christmas, friends, funny, kids, love, music, nature, school, sports and more.

Definition | What is Concrete in Poetry?

Poems Related to Concrete

diamante, shape

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry