Ode Poems. Examples of Odes and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Ode poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of an Ode.
An ode is a form of lengthy lyric poem typically of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanza structure, but there is more to an ode. What is ode in poetry (complete definition)?
Ode to John DenverMere words cannot express
The depths of my respect
And how I mourn the fact that he's not here.
His open, honest smile,
His friendly country style,
Of course his voice and music keep him near.
As kids, on Thursday nights,
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music, song,
Form: Ode
Ode to the Vietnam WarriorIn verdant jungles thick with fate,
Where shadows danced at war’s cruel gate,
They marched, they soared, they held the line,
With courage fierce and hearts divine.
The call was sounded, duty’s plea,
To serve, to fight, to keep us...
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death, endurance, history, remember,
Form: Ode
Delight of doubtingO Doubt, thou hast given me so much joy,
That doubting has been my second nature,
Besides my life’s heaven-sent bliss and buoy,
Doubtless never goes even my prayer.
Had I clues to all questions that arose,
I’d have...
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inspirational, philosophy,
Form: Ode
Wars FollyWars Folly
Since you are there and I am here,
have yourself an ice-cold beer.
Raise your glass and sing with cheer,
for all you love is standing near.
This is not the way for me,...
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loss, sorrow, truth, voyage,
Form: Ode
Ode to Quiet ComfortStreet lamps tint our room with dim light
The muffled TV hums
Your skin on mine throughout the night
A comfort second to none
Soft and warm under the covers
Your fingers trace my own
Peace is here with one another...
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love, romance,
Form: Ode
An Ode to the DoctorsThey, who are readily and always available;
Checking if your vital signs are stable.
They work round the clock with lives in their hands.
Carrying out nature's most delicate command.
They go into the surgical room without an...
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Form: Ode
Ode to WeightsDear dumbbell,
I can remember the first time
I held you in my hands.
Two 5-pound weights - small, yes,
But if you can remember,
I was seven.
My father, forty-six and still going,
Introduced me to you.
I was young, and wasn’t...
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8th grade, father daughter,
Form: Ode
Ode to the MoonThe queen of the night,
You give the night its light,
Surrounded by your princesses,
The sky is an enchanting frame,
We allude its glory to you, oh dame.
The mystery of the night sky,
Imaginations leave their chambers and fly,
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moon, nature,
Form: Ode
Ode to a Fallen BreastThou art eyesome among all bosom
Filled with holy milk
Ripen and bowing to earth
Oh! Thou art humble
Cans't thou see how marvelous thou art
Even he is in awe to thy wondrous taste
For thee who think thou dost...
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poems, poetry, romance, satire,
Form: Ode
Ode to Autumn
swaying gently, with the wind, her mournful dance
leaves unconvinced of autumn’s breathless fingers
ruffled as shy feathers who tremble by chance
risking impulse who silence says still lingers
autumn tells news of crackling paths so perfect
paved with golds,...
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appreciation, autumn, nature, nostalgia,
Form: Ode
Reverie ReviewYesterday I saw someone
That reminded me of you.
My heart didn’t remember
But my head I knew,
That you’re not here.
It’s just another reverie review.
The way you turned your head,
Or that little wink and smile.
How you...
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death, devotion, emotions, grief,
Form: Ode
Ode To BatsSoaring through the sky of early fall
Abolishing mosquitos, eating for all
Your siren song echoes in the night.
Hungry little teeth white and bright
Webbed wings flank the higher you soar.
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animal, environment, flying, gothic,
Form: Ode
Indelible Memories of Sokoto
In Northern lands, where memories reside,
A tale of communal living, forever to abide.
Among the indigent, a unique bond takes hold,
Rich and poor entwined, young and old.
On mats, they gather, a symbol of equality's might,
Before God,...
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adventure, africa, appreciation, friend,
Form: Ode
PushPush- by Dominique Smith
Push through they say, keep pushing my way, dark cold wet sorrows and woes, spring comes for flowers and pressed for beauty. Hold on not yet, push down and keep it there....
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abuse, care, dark, deep,
Form: Ode
Ode to HYSunshine dappled hazel eyes,
Crinkling with her smiles,
And locks like a candle flame flickering.
Hozier shirts and long, flowing skirts,
Gold jewelry and rings on her fingers,
Masterpieces painted over her nails.
She’s sunflowers and pine trees,
Fingers plucking guitar strings,
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appreciation, friend, friendship, friendship
Form: Ode
Specific Types of Ode Poems
Read wonderful ode poetry on the following sub-topics:
christmas, dog, family, food, friendship, funny, kids, life, love, middle school, music, nature, romantic, school, sports, war
and more.
Definition | What is Ode in Poetry?