Terza Rima Poems. Examples of Terza Rimas and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Terza Rima poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Terza Rima.
A terza rima poem is a form of poetry composed of iambic tercets (three-line groupings), but there is more to terza rima. What is terza rima in poetry (complete definition)?
Snow In April
It is a pitiful display
To belong where you don’t belong
Wanting to rule a former day
A worn out tune of a love song
No longer loved by the crowd
Down with the old King, so long!
The blizzard’s countenance...
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Form: Terza Rima
Tumultuous ArchivedBlack and blue memories turn to sunset;
All of the craziness that we’ve survived,
it’s like I’ve been branded by our secret;
So many roller coasters we just thrived,
as long as we rode down them together;
The tumultuous...
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deep, emotions, feelings,
Form: Terza Rima
My Mom that Didn't Have to BeA mother’s role is not an easy one,
A taxing undertaking, to be sure;
And if it weren’t for you, I would have none.
But you would make me feel so small, demure,
With words of anger and a...
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child abuse, forgiveness, growing
Form: Terza Rima
Color Guard GeniusJaunting down a garnet brick road
I admire the diamond treetops
glistening as if it just snowed;
Sky’s alive with sparkles and pops;
Leftovers of silent fireworks
fall to the ground in absurd drops;
Color guard genius in those quirks;
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art, color, emotions,
Form: Terza Rima
Mountain’s Voice
Still as the moonless night, settling on the hills
reflecting dawn’s gentle light, softly flowing
rustling sighs, music bursting forth, happy thrills
beneath rushing winds, gentling dreams, mind-blowing
breath of autumn paints the skies in healing hues
perfect leaves falling...
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appreciation, beautiful, inspiration, mountains,
Form: Terza Rima
Light that lights all lightsLine of Inquiry:
“we look for that light eternal
that does not come and go
the screen upon which life plays
cognised in staid stillness slow” - Unseeking Seeker
Let there be light
And the light was called day
And the darkness...
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bible, christian,
Form: Terza Rima
Springtime Reveries
Dew glistens, whimsical, over gentle dawn
hues fade beyond the background of sparkly nights
silent moments breath light on the nourished lawn
creeks flow gently, harmonizing with bobwhites
wind’s soft voice overflows with a melting song
reflections of timeless joy...
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april, beautiful, inspiration, nostalgia,
Form: Terza Rima
Freckled FinishTripped the electricity in the forest,
tumbled to a faceplate on the ground;
The shock raised the pulse in my wrist;
A storybook vision may confound,
star-crossed sits doomed to diminish;
Ground yourself in nature’s mound;
Let yourself revive and replenish,
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emotions, feelings, nature, rain,
Form: Terza Rima
Just One HitLost inside of a sexy playlist,
made out with a one hit wonder boy;
Vintage crooning with a virgin twist;
Record for an intimate convoy,
the first track behind a one night stand;
I relented and became your toy;
Undercover art...
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emotions, feelings, music, romance,
Form: Terza Rima
When it all appears lost and gone
Hopes and dreams do not survive
There’s so little left to think upon
Even an inert soul can still be alive
Although recovery seems remote
But with the promise it may...
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recovery from,
Form: Terza Rima
The door opens inward“We can ascend, if we so choose
Making love and light, our heart’s muse”
~ quote by poet
Holy Spirit works upon feeble form,
without employing any use of force,
thus progress is faster,...
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Form: Terza Rima
General AdmissionTough enough to not look for a fight,
no choice but to watch as it rages;
A candle burns on a starless night;
Hit only if someone engages,
attention is never what mattered;
They stay away from well lit stages;
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emotions, feelings, inspirational, introspection,
Form: Terza Rima
Bone BeachSarcophagus emptied onto white sand.
Knucklebones tossed, like dice, with soul case smarts.
Where she’d end up, this burial unplanned.
Like grinding down teeth, time reclaims cast parts.
Connections to each bone release, unhinge.
Frightful corpse formerly the queen of...
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fear, imagery,
Form: Terza Rima
so spake simple Simonwhat’s revealed remains concealed
for those who as yet dwell in the dark
but if they wish, they too can be healed
truth is simple, straightforward and stark
voids within fill if we choose to be still
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Form: Terza Rima
Liquid Romance Splash TributeHeadfirst into the sea he found her,
Madison caught Allen with her kiss;
Love left to surge bound them forever;
Free to be with her in this abyss,
Allen could breathe no trouble at all;
This realization was pure...
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emotions, feelings, romantic love,
Form: Terza Rima
Specific Types of Terza Rima Poems
Read wonderful terza rima poetry on the following sub-topics:
art, animals, christmas, death, family, flowers, food, friendship, funny, kids, life, love, music, nature, nursery, parents, sadness, school, spring, sports, summer, war, winter
and more.
Definition | What is Terza Rima in Poetry?