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Rhyme Royal Poems | Rhyme Royal Examples

Rhyme Royal Poems. Examples of Rhyme Royals and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Rhyme Royal poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Rhyme Royal.

A rhyme royal poem is a form of poetry consisting of seven lines, usually in iambic pentameter, but there is more to rhyme royal. What is rhyme royal in poetry (complete definition)?

Premium Member Zen mode
a silent scream of joy escapes our lips as bliss beyond measure peaks within form and thunderous magnetic rapture grips lovingly compelling us to conform dancing gleefully in this benign storm in which false identity falls away and we see the...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, self, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Fullness in emptiness
Negating each impulse that arises, looking at the world as a wisp of smoke, though heart delights in offered surprises, there is no niche onto which thoughts can yolk, since fire of desire we have ceased to stoke. Awake and...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal

Premium Member Where is God hiding
Below jugular notch, high on our chest, the light of our Self radiates cool heat, signalling we are being by God blessed, for we’ve surrendered our will at His feet, thus becoming aware of love’s bliss tweet. Now that the...Read the rest...
Categories: god, heart, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Zen mode
as bliss magnetism spikes, we cannot bear heightened rapture that within form pulsates although no doubt God tends to us with care in spasms of delight our body gyrates poised thus tremulously at heaven’s gates there’s a limit to bliss...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
On Seasickness
A churning within gill and fin so low with my tongue, she's tasted the aqua bowl the dancing inside no place ever goes — How the brig's see through from stem cells under; what little chains us to this...Read the rest...
Categories: deep, innocence, loneliness, love,
Form: Rhyme Royal

Premium Member Dweller of our heart
inhaling grace, exhaling gratitude reborn at dawn, yet fearing not the night the dweller of our heart sparks fortitude through fierce storms of life and when dims our sight knowing He’s within why’d we crouch in fright with each...Read the rest...
Categories: courage, death, god, heart,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Thought of the day
memory revisits the erased past who does it address: ego or our soul let this not become the ego’s repast lest we are deflected from our life’s goal which is rekindling light scriptures extol simply present in...Read the rest...
Categories: memory, silence, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Dreams within dreams
Nothing is real in this lucid dream, except for formless consciousness aglow, the silent witness, calm like a moonbeam, which if we be still, we can get to know, provided our heart is pristine like snow. Knowing that the world...Read the rest...
Categories: dream, life, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Zen mode
as bliss throbs play at myriad stations each impulse is embraced and then released silence deepens cognising sensations amplitude of magnetism has increased although cravings of ego have now ceased such is the divine paradox of bliss rapture bestowed by...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Ineffable bliss
Involuntary spasms of bliss delight, though the norm, always takes us by surprise, so sudden the surge by day and by night, rapture sublime mind cannot weigh or size, teleporting our presence to new highs. With all our nodes aflame...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
The Curse of the Tomb
beneath the sands where time and shadows meet there lies the tomb of one who cursed his breath a pharaoh bound by pride his own defeat entombed in gold and wrapped in linen death his sightless gaze guards treasures...Read the rest...
Categories: myth,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Zen mode
involuntary spasms of bliss delight fixates our fickle attention within gripping us in rapture by day and night beckoning us in cave of heart wherein awash with God’s light, we are cleansed from sin simply witnessing blooming of our soul becoming...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, light, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Thought of the day
with formless awareness as the subject being the essence of what we call I this form made of dust, is then the object which bemused by illusions, makes heart sigh so to end suffering, ego must die to this end,...Read the rest...
Categories: god, love, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Thought of the day
pause for but a moment, the flow of life feel whatever sensation arises do we sense heart contractions, caused by strife onset of angst perhaps, whence fear rises mitigating joy’s offered surprises if this be so and we feel sense...Read the rest...
Categories: heart, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Idle musings
Abandoned desires adrift in the void, yet possess some life like dying ember but if the heart be pure and unalloyed and light of Self within, we remember, doing nothing at all we dismember lower vibrations in which we...Read the rest...
Categories: desire, introspection, self, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme Royal

Specific Types of Rhyme Royal Poems

Definition | What is Rhyme Royal in Poetry?

Poems Related to Rhyme Royal

narrative, quatrain, rhyme, tercet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things