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Rispetto Poems | Rispetto Examples

Rispetto Poems. Examples of Rispettos and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Rispetto poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Rispetto.

A rispetto is a form of Tuscan folk verse made up of two rhyming quatrains that follow a strict meter, but there is more to a rispetto. What is rispetto in poetry (complete definition)?

Premium Member Touched by God
Soul ascends only after lower mind dies, requiring us to relinquish each desire, that thus upon heeding our soul’s fervent cries, our ego’s consigned to the funeral pyre. Drums of heaven resound in our glowing heart, where breath by breath...Read the rest...
Categories: god, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Premium Member The eureka continuum
Our innate creative urge to sing a hymn, is perhaps aimed at making our eye single, that head melding with heart, in the void we swim, bliss drenched in rapture as pheromones mingle. To harmonise within, the life pulse...Read the rest...
Categories: muse, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Say it like it is
Lips pursed shut to prevent energy leakage, in thought cessation, poised in the vibrant void, fire of spirit within continues to rage, transforming us as light, pure and unalloyed. Divine magnetism hums with potent power, engulfing us in a benign...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Transmutation
Soma nectar drips through energy pathways, both along the spine and over front of form, enlivened by hum of bliss that always stays, engulfing us from head to toe in love’s storm. Our feeble organic form is but an...Read the rest...
Categories: i am, joy, light,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member A rose blossoms
The divine immersion with which we were graced softened attention and enlivened the heart, as steps toward heaven we slowly retraced, held in God’s warm embrace, adding love to cart. Hollow mind-body shell fully magnetised, transmutation of form saw truth...Read the rest...
Categories: god, light, love, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Premium Member Esoteric truths
Given that existence is a seamless whole, separated by invisible membranes, each packet of consciousness in its life role, to expand awareness, against this veil strains and thus we may recognise space too as such, cognised in staid stillness by...Read the rest...
Categories: space, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Heartbeat of God
The dance of vibrations in vast, boundless space, cognised whenever we soften attention, signals it breathes gently by power of grace, right before our soul’s eye, in this dimension. Such are secrets sublime, hidden in plain sight, urging us to...Read the rest...
Categories: space, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member The Word
Before mind articulates ripples heart felt, we know our awareness in truth has no need, to voice in verse that ineffable scent svelte, so we detect that it is soul that does plead, wishing to bring to form, emotions...Read the rest...
Categories: creation, deep, heart, poetry,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Prayer
Mighty flames consume every question, each fear, Clinging to the heart and soul with breathless grace, Falling among the stars to erase each tear, Endless light, stirring dark night’s gentle embrace. Inspirations bleed through the soft, soundless winds, Love like...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, prayer,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Silence speaks
There are so many paths that we’re spoilt for choice, each religion claiming it alone is true, yet all admit that love’s the pulse of God’s voice, so shifting from head to heart, blessings accrue. Let’s keep it simple...Read the rest...
Categories: love, silence, truth,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Who am I
As bliss magnetism navigating this form, we are, as we are, the source of pure power, pulsating as benign currents cool and warm, propelled as God’s heartbeat that does empower. We are light, both the beginning and the end, first...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Silence speaks
If we would entwine with universal mind, it is clear we must relinquish our ego, that leaving all imagined knowing behind, we imbibe direct wisdom, by letting go. Dwelling in silence is our natural state, awakening pure bliss, that does...Read the rest...
Categories: silence, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Victory in defeat
Even though we can win, we prefer to yield, since what avail is victory, when souls weep, therefore love is the fragrance, we choose to wield, enabling us to take a consciousness leap. Brother souls who are asleep, are...Read the rest...
Categories: love, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Light of a thousand suns
Thousands of bliss bubbles vibrate in our head, capping, as it were, our presence in a mist, wherein then thus by divine magnetism led, heart sings on being by Divine Mother kissed. Nodes within form, independent yet entwined, all sing...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Where The Light Dances
In a garden, where light dances ‘pon the trees Privet hedge’s blossoms perfume the cool damp air A secret room inside holds lovers’ decree Whispers of promises, love beyond compare Emerald leaves kissed by the...Read the rest...
Categories: love,
Form: Rispetto

Specific Types of Rispetto Poems

Definition | What is Rispetto in Poetry?

Poems Related to Rispetto

lyric, quatrain, rhyme, verse

Book: Shattered Sighs