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Rispetto Poems | Rispetto Examples

Rispetto Poems. Examples of Rispettos and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Rispetto poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Rispetto.

A rispetto is a form of Tuscan folk verse made up of two rhyming quatrains that follow a strict meter, but there is more to a rispetto. What is rispetto in poetry (complete definition)?

Premium Member Zen mode
humming bliss beats and flow of soma nectar enlivens soul presence though we remain still as magnetism pierces each body vector our cup of joy thus begins to overspill whilst the external world moves as is ordained we blissfully...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Clear light
The inner sound current and rapture of bliss, entwine with empowerment of soul’s third eye, with fragrance of sacred ash veiled as God’s kiss and as senses so converge, in joy we sigh. In this way as bastions of...Read the rest...
Categories: self, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Premium Member Hidden in plain sight
Though we reveal deep truths, they remain concealed, for we speak of how bliss pheromones mingle, brought about by power God Himself does wield, known only to those souls, whose eye is single. Our delineation offers not the...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member THE FICTION
Categories: allah,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Who am I
Within our toroidal heart a fire does rage, divine magnetism manifesting cool heat, enlivening heart as we turn a new page, vaporised presence feeling every bliss beat. It is Divine Mother’s kiss that bestows bliss, whereupon we recognise we’re all...Read the rest...
Categories: i am, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Premium Member A Dust Bowl of Glitter
A blessed soul has won a role, The Prince of Peace, Of noble birth, a novice born a blue-blood, Pontificate average those brevities, Stemmed full of thorns wrangled beneath his rosebud. Won The Papal States, Mona Lisa smiled, lost, His...Read the rest...
Categories: conflict, history, military, political,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Cacoethes
Writing is compulsion and yearning within, for me a longing that I cannot ignore; and in my nightly dreams words weave and...Read the rest...
Categories: poetry, writing,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Bliss energised stillness
The kundalini moves in form as She likes, wherein we are but a humble receptor and as in time dissolved stillness rapture spikes, soma nectar pierces each body vector, so there is no cause for us to look askance, when...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member The Sahasrara
Imagine in crown, an ethereal hole, a portal linking us to vastness of space, wherein formless presence, or what we call soul, brings back to form the outpourings of God’s grace, manifest as bliss mists that make us feel...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Now or never
Our shape shifting soul has been to earth before but though we’ve embraced both kings and the disgraced, we know not who we are, so seek an encore, until ego defaced, we’re by God’s touch graced. Attached to body-mind,...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member What is reality
As an aspect of totality in form, consciousness is immanent and transcendent, felt in stillness when we’re grazed by a bliss storm, whence we see our Self, love and light resplendent, thus negating every thought that arises, we behold in...Read the rest...
Categories: self, spiritual, truth,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member The eureka continuum
Overseen by heart, Bindu and third eye hum a melodious song we alone can hear, betwixt reverberations of the bliss drum, sending us in spasms of rapture we hold dear. There’s nothing we desire yet our soul’s on fire, for...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Heart lotus blooms
Now that we have made love and light our mainstay, it matters not if patterns of old surface, since divine bliss magnetism within at play, as Divine Mother, holds us in close embrace. The currents carry us as we...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Concepts I almost discarded
“I traversed the path from blind faith to wisdom ~ Recognising within me lies God’s kingdom” ~ quote by poet When I was a child, I was told God exists but growing up,...Read the rest...
Categories: faith, love, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member In service to all
There are aberrations we wish to correct, in this lucid dream of life to sets wrongs right but since we know the law of cause and effect, fulcrum of our actions must be from the light. Setting up love’s...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritual,
Form: Rispetto

Specific Types of Rispetto Poems

Definition | What is Rispetto in Poetry?

Poems Related to Rispetto

lyric, quatrain, rhyme, verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry