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Curtal Sonnet Poems | Curtal Sonnet Examples

Curtal Sonnet Poems. Examples of Curtal Sonnets and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Curtal Sonnet poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Curtal Sonnet.

A curtal sonnet is a form of eleven-line sonnet following a abcabc dcbdc or abcabc dbcdc format and invented by Gerard Manley Hopkins, but there is more to a curtal sonnet. What is curtal sonnet in poetry (complete definition)?

Premium Member a grown up baby
eternal infancy enjoyed all his life indulgent parents a grown up baby knowing no strife odd predicament...Read the rest...
Categories: parents,
Form: Curtal Sonnet

Premium Member give the catfish some grace
a foul-mouthed catfish splashed me in the face the water I swallowed was foul, smelled like fish I was annoyed at the beast, wanted to kill it it is God’s creature, give it some grace! This was said to...Read the rest...
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member A Fraction
I hear your siren song from the deep sea, why are you in so thunderous a rage? Still I feel this magnetic attraction, drawing me into a cliff’s symphony; I’ll willingly throw myself in that cage, as much for...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings, passion,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member The Thunder Advance
Black and white rainbow with tornado eyes spinning spotting hard on a lightning bolt; Such electricity in a slow dance; Rhythm picks up with the darkening skies lingering on finger tip’s gentle jolt; Detonation of pomp and circumstance...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings, lust, nature,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member Her Ruckus
Provocative tears and a face that frowns accompany a costume so ornate; She’s happy to come and entertain us, with a flip tumbles in the Queen of Clowns; Playing the Fool’s a charasmatic trait, she comes to each field on...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings,
Form: Curtal Sonnet

Premium Member Matthew: Turned Profit
Long ere breaths a chalice dawn, eternal trials beleaguered gone, test the wayward course yon distant clinks, bespoken image seized his past governed weights in tallied journals that time possess and nonesuch empty force where quills and parchment favor bags...Read the rest...
Categories: allusion, analogy, beautiful, bible,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member A Vampire And A Gentleman
He’s both a vampire and a gentleman, she longed to be a bride of the shadows; They connected on a wooden dance floor; To her he appeared perfect medicine; How combative he was everyone knows, no matter the rumors...Read the rest...
Categories: dark, emotions, lust,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member The Constant Morning
Apathy meets and coldly cells and rounds me, A warm smile ills none than shape perfect eights, Abrupt shadows the wall chilled seemingly unmoved, Bold shades lightly now a pool of brightness forming, Basking moments restyling event the wholeness...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, change, character, encouraging,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member The Manna
A soloist Java Sparrow flits, A cathedral canopy of arched branched leaves, The sparkling daylight dances the vast green space, Moss glut rock form protrudes aground sits, Pews of raw design entertain flocks trade eaves, Sparrows respect prompts to spring...Read the rest...
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member Frayed Senses
The secrets that we keep leave us fevered in those moments when we must be apart; Your spirit circles me throughout the day I moan as our liaison’s remembered; In another world your perfect sweetheart, instead my scarlet cheeks...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings, love hurts,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member The True Colour
I recall analyzing with some loon Playing the role of a human being A role my intellect almost fell for. The fine night was about to be called soon Until I’ve witnessed her chance of keying All cause her functioning...Read the rest...
Categories: feelings,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member Bombastic Magic
Hallmark has torn all of my dreams in half, however now wonderland is waiting; Filled with glittering truth but no logic now you instantly need a photograph; Suddenly moments are worth capturing sentimental has turned pathologic; Something perfect has...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings, magic,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member Sometimes
"When you find yourself on a dead end street take a detour." ...Read the rest...
Categories: dream,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member Futile
Spider webs woven into that guitar, soft music will echo and hang around; The audience an unsuspecting fly tries to wiggle held tight by a grimoire; Souls become lost and can never be found; It will not fail over...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, guitar, music,
Form: Curtal Sonnet
Premium Member In Lieu
You carefully put your life in my hands to bystanders that may come off reckless; I feel like I know what compelled you to in the moments no one else understands; Maybe now you feel safe to be careless looking...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, feelings, love,
Form: Curtal Sonnet

Specific Types of Curtal Sonnet Poems

Definition | What is Curtal Sonnet in Poetry?

Poems Related to Curtal Sonnet

crown of sonnets, sonnet

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