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JerryHHH - all messages by user

10/13/2017 2:51:15 PM
New Member Hi everyone, my name is Jerry and I am new to this poetry community and this web page construct. I welcome you to read my poem titled Dear Ellen - about the one that got away.
11/23/2017 1:23:00 PM
Poem critiques How do I submit a poem for critique
12/8/2017 3:19:30 PM
Poem critiques Ellen's Old Tree

It was crumbling brick and decaying wood
The front porch where we once stood
The years were hard and all too many
Now even gone was the hidden penny

Yet, in the back, the tree stood still
With time engrained sturdy will
It held a memory of another and me
Its where I carved J.H. + E.D.

On the day we left that mark
The sky first grayed and then went dark
The clouds held back until we were done
Then hastily, hastily, we had to run

I walked the still worn path to peek
And see if the letters still did speak
I touched the bark and studied it so
The scars were there from so long ago

The sky it grayed as I left our tree
When a boy ‘n girl floated past me
In one hand was his destined life
And in the other a rusty jack knife
5/11/2018 3:46:09 PM
Lengthy POems How do I insert a Poem that is too long for the current posting capability?
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