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pailey.gordon - all messages by user

9/24/2017 10:31:26 PM
Advice for a beginner When I first heard this my heart stopped
I almost dropped
I didn't believe it
but at the same time
I had this feeling
but I've been healing since then

Some days you treated me like a queen
even if we were only teens.
But some days you would say words that hurt
and you would treat me like dirt
and throw me on the curb
but it didn't seem to disturb you

You loved me
or so I thought
even if we fought
but I was taught
to give second chances,
I gave too many of those
because I swore you would change
but you took a vange
home instead

You knew it was wrong
but I remained strong
because I knew you messed up
I hope you know you that.
Bringing that girl to bed
would be the end...
of us...

I heard the news from other then you
I felt like breaking into two
But I will move on,
I have came upon a new beginning,
that's how I know I'm winning.

And we both know who is losing..
You are losing because you lost me

how is this??
11/17/2017 10:40:23 AM
Heart Broken into Pieces- Heartbreak Poem You left me there


For my heart to tear

On my own

I shouldn’t have shown

How hurt I was

But the smell of your cologne

Was still so fixed into my mind,

Entwined within every cell of my body

Because I thought nobody could come between us

Until that girl you brought to bed

Who looked good at a club walked in

She probably had a cute curl in her hair

That dangled perfectly down her slim shoulders

And a pearl

That made her eyes look calm like the deepest oceans

But that shouldn’t have mattered

Because if you loved me

You wouldn’t left me as shattered as glass,

Into little pieces

And now whenever someone tries to put me together

They will hurt themselves

Cutting themselves on my razor edges

Most will give up at this point

But the ones who stay

They will not find all of them

Because there are too many pieces to repair

All because of a stupid affair
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