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Merxion - all messages by user

8/21/2017 1:36:55 PM
New Poet Just some thoughts and struggles there are times where the words just stream out and the writing is good but the emotions are strong in it. Then there are times when I write where the writing is really good but i've refined it too much and the emotions are lost. This usually happens when I free write the things that are in my mind on paper then I try to declutter my thoughts into multiple Poems and try to capture what was going on in my mind at that time as clearly as possible. While this helps me personally my poetry suffers.

A bit about myself i'm not a writer never really considered writing. My wife died in March of this year and there are a lot of complicated emotions that a Widower goes through and i'm trying to capture them. I have some bone yard writing (thats what I call my free writing) that I'll eventually write some poetry about. The emotions are too raw still there for me to process through.
8/21/2017 3:33:30 PM
writers block I free write anything that comes to mind it goes into the document. I try to really open up and write what is in my head. The consequence is if someone were to read it they would probably have you committed. A day later I come and read it again at this point I can usually pick out a couple ideas maybe some phrases if i'm lucky. Then I just refine them. Where I struggle is losing definition and emotions while trying to refine the words.
8/22/2017 8:56:14 AM
Missing You I'm fairly new at writing poetry. I wrote this during the first month after my wife passed away. Or atleast the rough out line of it in my journal that I call the bone yard. I had a friend asked me after reading some of my current stuff if I had any from the beginning. I really didn't but I usually write from the bone yard which is just a place to empty my current feelings on paper. My poetry is a form of therapy for me. I would appreciate your feed back.

Evolving, ever changing, my life becomes my own,
the we, is now just me, and I am so alone.
We were just getting to the good parts,
why did it have to take my heart?
As I meander on this path of grief,
there are days, that lack clear relief.
Those days I focus within, instead of without,
I will prevail for that there is no doubt.

The days that I ponder you and read your words,
It’s almost like you can be heard.
The zing of your witty remarks,
Or the times walking in the park.
Your favorite flower was a rose,
I used to buy you many of those.
Just to see the smile they would bear,
Now I just wish that you were here.

Heath Barker 8/22/2017
edited by Merxion on 8/22/2017
edited by Merxion on 8/22/2017
edited by Merxion on 8/22/2017
8/22/2017 3:43:49 PM
Missing You Dean,

Thanks I didn't check the paste in fixed that.

My intention on the Evolving, Ever Changing, My life becomes my own. Evolving and Every changing sounds repetitive and in a sense they are. When going through the loss of a spouse some of the changes are incremental. Some of them are huge jumps, an example weight loss. Huge non incremental change. Personality changes, moving from never doing poetry but being an avid journal writer poetry was an incremental change from what I was doing. To be more clear its a contemplative Evolving, Ever Changing, My life becomes my own. Maybe even imagine shaking your head slowly while saying each of of those in sorrow or exasperation.

Thank you for your great feed back.
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