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chai_sea - all messages by user

8/4/2017 10:09:57 AM
You've seen me more vulnerable than most

I cannot think of any one else
that has inched along my arms as I’ve slept.
I had no idea
that you were
checking for track marks
or new puncture wounds.
You’ve seen me more vulnerable than most.
I had no material possessions,
nothing tangible to back up my aspirations,
barely any hope
to cling to
but you.
It WAS fucking draining.
You know, there was a study I read the other day,
about how and when two people
interact long enough, their brain waves start to align.
All those days you woke up with
stomach aches and bad feelings.
You’ve seen me more undeserving than most.
I have so many good thoughts of us that run around my head,
but some days, these are the thoughts that make host.
I always make sure to take it all in.
Hard-stuck on knowing that I’ll never allow myself to
lose anyone important to me ever again.
A boy with 616 days away from the opium den

edited by chai_sea on 8/4/2017
pages: 1

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