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miami - all messages by user

7/24/2010 5:06:13 AM
Invitation to Perception Long live the night
For inevitable is the end
Swiftly shall it arrive
How unfortunate to begin

Retire to the domain
From which let birth
She is awaiting the arrival
With the last, comes the first

The fruit has ripened
Yet leaves depart
Withhold the execution
Exiled is the heart

Withdraw from perception
Observe the absolute
Enter the shadowed realm
Disprove the truth

The shoreline is receding
Dwindling in its might
Compelled by which it has swallowed
Shallowing its height

The slope grows steeper
Yet the ground turns to air
The future holds the past
Yet nothing is there

Give not to temptation
The thirstful void
Cursed by the presence
Of which was destroyed
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