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Poetry Forum

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John Bertin - all messages by user

3/8/2017 3:42:37 AM
hello hello hello hello hello I'm new to the site, and i sometimes scribble poetry. I joined the site to post a poem I wrote a month ago. It's nice to place these things somewhere, so they can live on longer than I do.
4/28/2017 9:45:08 AM
Poetry Slam I've been to two of these events. They are a new sensation around here. Fairly big crowds. Very personal free verse sort of poetry. I've been considering participating, but I wonder, is this sort of poesy any good? I haven't decided, and I'd love for some other wordspinners to chime in.
8/17/2019 4:03:55 AM
how to make words in bold font I submitted a poem to a contest, and the required words need to be bold, to stand out. How do I do that?
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