Book: Shattered Sighs

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Moyo - all messages by user

1/11/2017 7:42:50 AM
You can greet me now... Greetings.For a moment your silliness has infringed on my consciousness .Can you feel it? My glorious mind impinging on a pathetic anorexic excuse of yours.Apart from your causes you are *nothing*.

You and your apish mind are evidence of evolution. I am PROOF there is a God.
What else but an omnipotent , benevolent being would allow sublime symmetry and beauty to grace you?
You *are* your causes. Watch as i add one more.

See how you are, As your adrenalin ,anxiety ,your primitive secondary nervous system goes into overdrive.
You feel it don't you? Yes that's it. How your muscles twitch as you get into your primitive animalistic flight or fight mode. Your simple neurotransmitters clashing with synaptic clefts,in a crescendo..a coven of dissonant misschords.

You ache to lash out at me, itching to get a word back..itching to cause.

But you are also very stupid! Don't you know i feed off whatever energy you give?Whilst also not caring at all? While *you* move ,hoping I will be offended ,to lash back.. hoping to get some sense of existential satisfaction.

Now i will leave you. Your silliness has lost its novelty.You can go on to your pathetic existence now.

To your world of being caused . Your being changing with each new cause; morphing ...a myriad of ape like appearances.

Who am i?
Your silliness gets me one more time.
How could you ever hope to see.
But perhaps you can? You know me ...know me when you get the feeling of dejavu, when you see the glorious sun burst into a new day.
In the shimmering stars of silence.
I will tell you .But a word , concepts will only escape you.

1/11/2017 7:46:24 AM
Mindless feelings Purple clouds pulse passionately,
Frothing , unfixed form.
fashioning grande visions of ominous glory,
and traveling textures
Over monochrome,
then shallow rhythms of aching drops
tunnel through the same old worn paths
of the end of joyful season.
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