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leeanauo - all messages by user

5/8/2010 5:57:23 AM
The Inner Spy I liked it. I don't have any critique really except for always make sure spelling is correct. I disagree with the post about changing set in stone simply because the common phrase is "set in stone" and the meter is the same either way. The only thing is the grammar. Are the "eyes" or the "spy" doing the setting. If it is the "eyes", you shoud change to set.
5/19/2010 8:10:06 PM
Pet Peeve Amen!! I've got a poem in the works which intentionally uses all the words in the wrong way. Your instead of you're is my biggest peeve, with their and there ranking a close second. By the way, I would not point this out unless someone asked for grammatical corrections, but cringe is what I do. Everyone should definitely use the spellcheck to help with the typos. I know I make a lot more errors on my laptop because the keyboard is different.
edited by leeanauo on 5/19/2010
pages: 1

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