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Luaer - all messages by user

1/30/2016 9:33:37 AM
A Fateful Introduction Hello there,
As you can see my name is Luaer, but you may call me what you like. I joined PoetrySoup as of recent, but did not notice the forum until now.
My intent is to learn and grow as a poet from those that are more learned than me. Right now, I have the casual goal of posting a poem a week so I should be here regularly. Let's enjoy our time together!
Thanks for reading,
2/1/2016 4:33:28 PM
A Fateful Introduction When I get a spare moment, I think I'll do just that.
Thanks Michael.

Elisheba, thank you kindly. When the chance presents itself, I would like to read some of your work. In the mean time, keep at it.
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