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marylou4 - all messages by user

11/21/2015 3:59:15 PM
community points How do I do I find out what these are? How d you accumulate these points? How do you use them? I am new here and have not been able to get any information. I would be grateful if some one would explain.
11/28/2015 7:16:54 AM
my poetry I want to grow as a poet, which means improving in this artistry. I would appreciate an honest critique of my writing. Please provide details of my weaknesses and if you will, where and how I need to improve. If my poems have any redeeming qualities, I would appreciate a brief mention of this. My first of many poems.

Feeling Good
Laugh, Giggle, Guffaw

Chucking, Tittering, Cackling

Joy, Mirth, Cry, Chortle

Tearing, Weeping, Sobbing

Whiny, Blubber-faced

edited by marylou4 on 11/28/2015
11/28/2015 8:16:18 AM
my poetry apparently it is not worth reading or analyzing.
11/28/2015 11:33:33 AM
my poetry I apologize for misunderstanding the purpose of this forum.
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