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writertype63 - all messages by user

8/7/2015 6:58:20 PM
Have fun and keep PoetrySoup a haven. Cool I must confess that I am always a little dubious about sites like PoetrySoup. It sometimes seems that all people really want is for you to read - and COMMENT - on their work but will never return the favor. There ought to be an environment of give and take, not just take. How does it even make sense when a person gets sixty reads but not a single comment. I personally write on this site in order for people to read what I have written and give me their honest opinion (I really mean that) good or bad. Advice may not be agreeable to the writer, but it should be food for thought. Readers ought to comment more and help other writers out.
8/11/2015 5:50:28 PM
My Poetry Must Suck! I really love it, for that is just what I had been thinking. We really do get the cart before the horse when we gauge our poems worth by what others are saying. Sure, it's nice to get feedback, but don't hold your breath...George
8/11/2015 6:15:38 PM
I Think I just Learned Something When I joined PoetrySoup I was really fixated on what people thought of what I was writing. In the beginning I didn't see any reviews at all, and really bothered me. But slowly people began to comment. Some comments were cursory, and others had very nice things to say. Then I began to read certain post and realized that a lack of comments was the standard, and lots of others had felt the same way. Just then someone said not to worry about comments so much, at least your poems are being read. They were right. I have never had this many people read my poetry. That's what matters to me. If they comment, great, and if they don't, at least they took the time to read it. I'm good with that.
8/12/2015 3:52:03 PM
A piece I've been working on I definitely agree that your piece should be in the first person. To me, the title is a little off. Maybe
"The Devil In His Eyes" or something having to do with eyes since you made that connection with the reader

at the very beginning. It's just a thought. Otherwise, nicely done.
8/21/2015 11:48:47 PM
THE FEWLY APPRECIATED Does it seem that way to anyone or is it just me? I realize that there are many who are more than willing to encourage a fellow writer by commenting on his or her poems if they have read one or more of them. But what does puzzle me is the seemingly overwhelming number of those who read without offering even the smallest response. I can honestly say that I do not understand how fifty people can read a poem and say nothing about it. I do not think I am alone in seeking an answer to this riddle. It seems that even the administration of this site gives no real thought to the problem. Of course, I may be wholly incorrect in that assumption,
but I rarely hear the problem even mentioned. Now, you may wonder If I am speaking of my own poems which are read without comment. I will not lie, for it has exasperated me on occasions. But, as one of our poets exclaimed, "My Poetry Must Suck" I doubt that his poetry sucked any more than others who not won the a Pulitzer. Well, when all is said and done, I realize that we all care about what we are attempting to convey through our poetry. But I do wonder if it is possible for people to care a little more about others before they care about themselves. That certainly goes against human nature, doesn't it? I know I am going to make a greater effort to offer an encouraging word before expecting to receive one.
8/22/2015 8:26:23 AM
PREMIUM MEMBER??? Wave I'm curious. Does being a Premium Member help with the overall exposure of a body of work? Please tell me.
9/4/2015 11:15:11 AM
THINK OF IT THIS WAY Did you ever think you would become a famous poet? If you ever did, don't, for those kind of things rarely or never happen in real life. Do you want to make a living writing? Would you continue to write if you never made a dime from your work? Did you join PoetrySoup to get your poems before an audience? Do you hope that those who read your work will be made to feel something? Now these are all good questions, and you are the only one who can answer them. But try not to get too caught up in yourself. If you are a true writer, then what you really care about is writing - whether you have an audience or not. But think of it this way: When you get aggravated because many people read your poems but never take the time to comment, don't think that their silence is because you are a bad poet. It doesn't mean that. My experience has shown me that the majority who read do not comment. I, too, wish they did, but they don't. But I do take great pleasure in the fact that my work is being read by more people than I would ever have imagined.
I am so very thankful to those who do kindly comment. I'm pretty sure I'll never sell hundreds of books containing my poetry, but I do have hundreds of readers, and I'm so very thankful for them.

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