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macee97 - all messages by user

10/6/2017 6:04:42 AM
High Critique Please help me with my poem
10/6/2017 6:07:02 AM

Small comforts--
The entities at home most taken in stride
life is not made up of big incidences profound
but the tiny things given without obligation and pride

When I arrive home, open the door, there Jack stands
wagging his tail so hard that it might just fall off
his love--unconditional-- being with his master, his only demand

While working at the computer, paying no mind to the kitty, Joe,
a hairy feeling wraps around the legs...pleading for attention
his gravelly lick reminds me he tried, I failed... just so I'd know

Adventure adds flavor and spice to living--don’t be mistaken--
yet there is something to be said for regular and ordinary
the lobster titillates the palate, but so do eggs and bacon

Home--it is more than just rooms--it is where we unfold
synonymous with the soul's nourishment
a place where we are ourselves with no pretensions—we feel whole

Outside left at the door, everything important is there
strings of life tightly woven by pulling us back repeatedly
Sustenance, security, and small comforts are found everywhere
11/18/2017 12:10:07 AM
Through my Window From my bay window, each pane holds my small world
window leaks anticipation out and in this glassy casement
here seasons show their multi-colored faces in a whisper

Trees liberated from weight of their leaves, I eavesdrop...
wintertime's snowflakes tint my windows with glacial frost
a cold paralysis edges over my fingers

All that is past…
my windowpanes grow then shrink conditionally
wintry days take flight under my breath
for now, spring passion comes bursting as beautiful tableaus.

Oh look,
squirrel flashes up toward his nest hidden in oak verdancy
he carries a corn cob to eat
does it taste of salt and melted butter?

A bird house on the nearby maple feeds my feathery neighbors
don’t tell-- the cardinals are hatching three crimson chicks
listen, the chirp, chirp, chirp... a natural but alluring annoyance

Newly mown bouquet of grass wafts into my room
this essence returns me to a time eating warm rhubarb pie
while watching Grandpa mow our lawn

April showers bring an array of wonderment
a pretty teen girl walks under her bright paisley umbrella
of course, matching raincoat and galoshes… such fun to see

My goodness… alertalert... feline at six o’clock anticipating
cardinals to take wing for worms; feline slithers toward chicks
what a clever bird... he swoops down squawking at the cat.

Life leaps out at me now, casting shadows
no matter--if you are out and about,
come size up the earth
through my window.

Carol Davis

edited by macee97 on 11/18/2017
edited by macee97 on 11/18/2017
11/18/2017 12:14:49 AM
Through my Window the font is larger than the one I use so the lines do not end where I have them in the poem
11/19/2017 5:32:44 PM
Through my Window Just wondering why no one has critiqued my poem?
11/20/2017 3:38:03 AM
Snake 101 Since the Garden of Eden and Cleopatra,
snakes strike great fear in man
I have it—ophidiophobia---
legless lizards equal repulsion

Slithering, sliding as they move
something about friction and scales
like goose bumps on human flesh
more than I want to know

Little known fact learned
three hundred vertebrae, one reptile
they can scrunch up like an accordion
Slinky has nothing on the snake

Zoology teacher forced me to touch
disgusting...scaly info to psyche
rubbery, stretchy outside insides
that red-eyed yellow python plagued my sleep

Here’s the point—abnormal fear or not

God created the reptile
rattlesnake eats rats, field mice
homes under rocks in deserts, mountains
concealed, fearing human contact

Travel to Georgia or Oklahoma…
Rattlesnake Roundups held
oh yes, let’s kill some rattlers
buy a permit, slaughter as many…

Find their hiding, jerk them up
drop them in a sack writhing with twelve more
rattler chasers claim fun to kill
find the longest, fattest

Kill by decapitation
drop in the freezer alive
look later…freeze dried snake
eat a snake steak…tastes like chicken

Why search them out
leave them alone
No rattlesnake boots, head bands...
Yes, stand up for the reptiles!
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