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2/11/2015 3:40:25 PM
About my Poems I've had many rough patches in my life and Poetry Soup has given me the opportunity to express those hardships, but I find it hard to write about anything happy. When ever I wrote a poem and people ask to read it they would say that it was good but that I should write about happier things. Its not that I don't to, it's just that... it's just the only way these emotions can be expressed. If I'm happy, I don't express it in words, I express it through my actions and if I feel disturbed or unhappy I express them on paper believing that my sorrows wouldn't be a burden to others unless they read it themselves. I write about things like depression and what not just so that people would have option to read it or let it be. But the more its left alone then the smaller my voice becomes; the one that cries help.
6/4/2015 6:55:30 PM
Alone no one's listening to me. why do we even have this on the site. i just want to comit suiside
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