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KS Ruff - all messages by user

1/6/2014 7:42:51 AM
im new to this site, here is my 1st post -Why!?- You've made an excellent point. We are losing the country to glutton elitist movement that couldn't care less about freedom for the people.
1/6/2014 7:55:23 AM
Happy New Year to everyone Hi, Folks. I am relatively new to the site, having found it right around Christmas or so. I won't give my age, but I think I'm probably older than a lot of folks here. Anyway, I have worn a lot of hats, traveled a fair amount, was divorced once but am remarried to someone I've been with for almost 14 years. Raised 4 great kids and have a bunch of grands to show for that. The 15 year old is a charmer and goes with us on almost all of our vacations. I literally cut the cord when she was born. (The doctor made me do it.) I've never pretended to be a Shakespeare or a Frost or Wordsworth--my favorite poets--but I have written a fair amount. Actually I have written over 8 thousand articles in the past 10 years, but you won't see them with my name on them as they were written as "work-for-hire" on various landing pages managed by a person in Florida. His assignments have sort of petered out, but they were very steady and good money for a number of years, so I didn't complain about not having a byline. I have been a high school teacher, college instructor, insurance agent, among other things. Currently I am also the Dean of English for an online college Sherman Institute. It is definitely off the beaten path, and you can find courses not available at any other college in the country and for prices also less than you will find anywhere else. If you wish, you can check it out at

I look forward to your comments on my work. I try to leave a comment on nearly everything I read, even if its only a word or two.
1/6/2014 8:05:17 AM
Two questions First, I don't understand how to post a poem for the Be Gentle critique. Do I just post it in that spot as a "new topic." Also, is there any way I can submit some of the poems I have already posted for a critique?
1/6/2014 8:26:55 AM
Please read and criticize I like the poem and the rapid movement that reflects the need to make a quick decision. To me, the next to last stanza sort of takes one out of the movement, but maybe you intended that. If it were me, I would keep the same relative pattern with something like:

He didn't live to celebrate--
He was killed by an arrow
But his victory was great
As the chances were narrow.

Just me, of course. Many folks probably like it just as it is.
3/22/2014 7:39:06 AM
How do I ... How does one enter a contest without including their name? Does the software automatically leave off the name. The only option I see for entering is to click on an already submitted poem, which means I have to submit a new one to my poetry first, and then select it for entering a contest. But I can't tell whether or not the name is included.
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