Book: Reflection on the Important Things

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2/5/2015 7:12:18 PM
"Love At First Sight" I found in order to see love and encourage it others we must first learn to love the One who created us.
We are His gorgeous handiwork and He lovingly knitted us in our mother's womb - but first we all existed as

in the Creator's world as ideas, then we came into existence in that world first as ones He loves without end and then He sent us to earth as the school house it is. The planet of the children - His children - we are planted to learn to love God first, then to come to love ourselves and be good to ourselves, then to love others with ever increasing love that overtakes all and follows our Lord's example of He who finds us worthy to exist, to love - to be loved - to give and receive love - even if we find faults in other people - we have to learn to look past that because our Lord loves us despite ourselves - and in turn we must learn to look at other people with that same unconditional love - so that they might also come to see the agapi love of our God through us - so first become that warm fire that people want to sit next to then others will want to pursue that same all encompassing love that they see shining through you. Become that light and become that love, that change you want to see not only in ourselves but in others too.

Whatsoever things that are lovely and true think on these things ! Love your sister in Christ Susan
5/15/2017 8:54:16 PM
Can't tweet out my poems why? There is no share links anymore at the top of my page so I cannot re-tweet my poems out
and my followers cannot tweet my poems anymore why is this? Thank you very much for your help in

this matter.
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