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msblitheygray - all messages by user

8/29/2012 8:37:08 AM
my dark poetry carringtonmarshall wrote:
Hi everyohe, I hope you enjoy my dark poems, interestingly I am also a psychic medium. I think it is most strange that I suddenly started writing these strange poems some which are quite biblical, and also I sometimes use olde English words, There are some thirty or so poems in my book which is named DOOR O'THA DEAD. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS, CARRINGTON

I'm obsessed with psychics lol. I was able to see Sylvia Browne about a year back at a conference show, and of course, I conduct e.v.p.s when I get the chance. I have some pretty great stuff on my youtube account (the evps are recorded and some video taped and recorded) and I put them on YouTube (superiorwievps is my user handle). NICE TO MEET YOU!
8/29/2012 8:41:23 AM
WRITE IT ALL YOUR WAY UP You both seem excited to be here. . .
9/4/2012 9:47:18 AM
How do I get readers? Synchro wrote:
I have been here, for several months, and no one has commented on my work. What do I need to do?

First off, nice to meet you. I've been here only a short while and while I've had comments on some of the poems I've published, I have noticed I don't get many reads/responses. I guess I can start reading your's but I'm only on a few times a week. Also, another thing that might help is joining the "critique" area of the forum where people read/respond to poems you post (here) on the forum.
9/6/2012 11:31:43 AM
Hate isn't washing away.... I'm just going to come out with it and say exactly what it is that I've been focusing on besides the usual death, love, abortion, politics of my poetry. My ex-boyfriend of three years left me last July and admitted he'd been cheating on me for 4 months (well he said a few weeks, found out it was four months). He left me for her. He left me and was engaged to her less then 2 months later, and less then five months later -- they were married. Her second marriage, divorced at 22 and remarried at 23...ugh. Anyhow, since he lied to me and never told me sorry, ever, even though I didn't do anything wrong -- I just can't get over my anger and hatred. I live near them and we live in a smaller city, so it drives me nuts. I can't talk to friends/family anymore because they're totally sick of hearing about the two of these people.

Did I mention I'm happily engaged and getting married next June myself?

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