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William49 - all messages by user

2/8/2012 3:54:00 PM
Hey I'm not postive as to what this site it. But i'd like my poems to get noticed if i'm any good so i thought i would join. Yea....
4/2/2012 2:43:06 PM
Hey Hey wassup. I'm just trying to find my talent and looking to complete my dream of having my name down on something. Rather it be as a poet, author, or athlete. I wish to write a book or become good at basketball. I realy apreciate views and feedback on my poetry. Please continue to read and comment
7/17/2012 10:08:47 AM
I'd appreciate legit feedback(love poem) When she's not there my soul feels empty
My mind knows well the spot that she should be

Caramel skin that i can't ignore

She makes a silent sound that makes my mind roar

She transcends the word beauty with her faced shaped like so

Her body moves smoothly and suggest an athletic flow

A smile that charges the heart

Teamed with a laugh that tears my body apart

Her beauty can be compared to that of a star

Her allure suggest she's an angel from afar

If i had a gold lamp, One wish would be enough

To be together eternaly, and to be in loves touch

My goal is to embrace her and to hold her tight

For her to trust me in the darkest of nights

And as time wears on, for two to become one

When together forever, my goal will be done.
edited by William49 on 7/17/2012
10/6/2012 3:49:15 PM
pages: 1

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