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michelle my belle - all messages by user

10/6/2011 1:46:49 PM
Autumn The lids of my heavy eyes flutter to widen,
The velvet of night caresses my skin.
My bones creek like ancient monuments,
My nerves are shattered by that incessant din.
As my mind rouses to sustenance,
The sharp spray of ice is absorbed by my face.
A faint glow of golden orange in the landscape appears,
The crisp smell of the season change in all it's autumnal grace.
Discontent and annoyance fades,
like the sun of summers gone by.
I step out into this glorious colour pallet, embrace the taste, the smell,
as the chill of the wind steals a tear from my eye.
10/7/2011 5:15:22 AM
Autumn Yeah - Thank you. I really appreciate your comments.
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