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DianeC - all messages by user

5/5/2011 8:39:07 PM
Hi, new here I've been looking all over the net for a good poetry forum and it looks like I might have found a good one here. My poems are sort of old-fashioned (they rhyme) for the most part so I hope they're not boring. I do enjoy putting a little unexpected twist in the ending sometimes, it keeps things intersting.

I love animals, especially my dog, Charlie, I'm an artist and I love to write.

I live near Charlotte, NC and I hope that there are plenty of older adults here because the last poetry/lyric forum I belonged to had mainly teens who posted to it, although it was active. Nothing wrong with young people but I like to talk and read poems from the older generations also.

Thanks, Diane
5/12/2011 1:59:08 PM
Knowing English and Spelling is important I don't know how many times I've read online, in forums, poems that have such atrocious spelling mistakes that it's hard to get past the first few lines. I'm not talking about simple mistakes like i before e, except after c, I'm talking about simple words that are mis-spelled. I know we all make mistakes and they can get past us when we're working on something we're writing, but sometimes the English grammar is so bad and the spelling on top of that can be even worse that it's painful to read those poems. I'd suggest that you work on a Word Document program where it has a spell check or give the poem to someone who has taken an English class for a few years. It can only help. Diane
5/21/2011 6:56:13 AM
Editing won't work I posted a poem last night and today it won't let me change it at all in the editing section, what gives? thanks
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