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SolEtana - all messages by user

8/22/2023 4:54:56 AM
'Battersea' – a poem about the power station First time here, don't hold back:

Preserved as some frivolity of a
Babylonian breed, lapis glass
Over your coal-baked flesh,
Proud marble horns prostituted for gold,
Turned vessels for Indian Pale Ales
And Citrus Wines, no remembrance of thy
Bloody sacrifice; you hardy bull: forgive us.

I want to use a pocket knife and cut
The pus-filled growths that leech upon your brains;
But in the pus my fathers find perfume
To rid the nostrils of their daughters from
The stench of greed, the scent of bloody murder,
For it makes their countenance unpleasant
To potential suitors; they care not for their sons.

Mighty bull, your rage once burnt for everyone,
Your smokestacks and your grunts the scale of titans
That once roamed ‘longside the elders of our
Tribe: our gallant kings and peasants restless,
Architects who foresaw not our present
Fallen state; mighty bull of upright breed,
Forget these, thy present pains, and find for us

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