Book: Shattered Sighs

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jbaguire - all messages by user

9/18/2013 10:24:06 AM
Figured I Would Try This Out... I've been on PoetrySoup for a couple of years and I have been adding poems off and on. I would like a fresh perspective on my poetry, since I have really nice friends. Here is one that I have written recently...

Time Machine

All this advancing time is the enemy.
Can I flip the switch on my atrocities?
Why can I not stop this when I feel that I can't breathe?
Is it forbidden to fold a space and go between?

Actions are wrecking balls, chained to memories.
When I snap a link, then I will break the screen,
so I won't watch the horror, of things not happening.
I can end this sadness, but I don't have the machine.

I want to bend light around this gravity.
Holes in space and time need so much energy.
If I could make a tangent right before I can speak,
I would tell myself all these inherent prophecies.

But will it change the course of my identity,
or have I been there and died before I'm seen?
Would I end existence as I selfishly succeed?
Maybe my future self is deciding not to leave.
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