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sungin - all messages by user

12/19/2021 1:30:12 PM
"Experience" (looking for constructive comments) Experience
Experience life in death, life in life is mundane
The whole being, selfness of every atom of the being, hits the abyss
Yet the silver of light in that abyss points toward the sky
Alas! Decisions are only rational; the process is ruthless, as though the only course of the river is to Ocean
For melancholy knows no reasoning, abyss maybe the progression

No matter how many thousands treaded before
All it matters is there is the next;
Why care if the path is carved anew
For the entity holds the path and for the entity is the path, only so long as they would want

Infinite of trees in a tree, sameness of molecules in water, the harmony of hills in mountains
Are they forgotten, or are they marveled at?
On the matter, it couldn’t be the only way to exuberance!
What could be the difference? Do we even have the count of how many earth days make their year!
Within the inside of our human brain, we only assign our days, weeks, and months to them
Pity! Narrow and thin as is the labyrinth of our understanding, turning over is still daring!
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