Book: Shattered Sighs

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Words_Are_Weapons - all messages by user

7/6/2013 6:12:14 AM
Silver Tongue His fingers left blood on the strings

but, come time to walk away he hadn’t really learned anything.

Course and dried brushes sit atop the rubbish,

His mind held a perfection too delicate for his clumsy hands to create.

He opened his mouth to sing like a jay but, instead of notes it was rust that fell out. Part of the wear and tear of early adulthood.

But then, this same boy picked up a pen and found some paper. The pen in his hand felt as natural his own bones and he began to write.

He wrote every tear

He could scribe every star

He built towers from mountains with every line

High enough that the angels just might hear them.

He made pages for chapters of his life that could make those seraphim weep sapphire tears.

He could write the wind blowing across the nape of your neck in Autumn

And make you feel the chill on your skin.

He could articulate the sad beauty of a lover’s quarrel that ends in tears

If they cry, it makes it all more real.

He documents the history of a war inside himself that will never end.

The loss and the gain,

But not those of monetary nature.

When life begins to scream around him

All he must do to silence it is to put it in a stanza.

The boy’s tongue can pave the way for good intentions, and we all know those can fall South. He finds strength. And with this strength a power.

Finally the boy knew his gift. But how is he meant to use it and who will truly listen to the personal strands of his soul he ties together with punctuation?

And now that he has tasted the pleasure of his power, will that be enough?
edited by Words_Are_Weapons on 7/9/2013
7/6/2013 6:20:17 AM
Lies Lies Lies Gorgeous work that paints a vivid picture of something easily related to, for some.

I honestly don't see anything here, I don't like! <3
7/7/2013 3:13:49 PM
Tree Houses and Trigger Fingers I wish I could take this noose from my tongue.

It doesn’t seem to work against the honesty of silver anyway.

I wish I could hang it over the neck of my thoughts and pull it tighter every time they try to choke me with guilt or pessimism.

Well versed in the words it takes to build things up. My lips and sounds paint pictures and build grand cities where the price would be too high but, people would still pay to live there.

Better versed am I in the words that call for demolition. I need not even speak them before, I set all the beauty ablaze and cast those cities to rubble. All the people paying too much can flee or stay but, as the founder and captain I am charged with going down with my ship.

If I could just speak a balance.

Articulate a safe place.

A perfectly leveled tree house with room for one or two.

Lately though, my words and thoughts shake and stutter.

Trip over themselves like my hands reaching for a pen or a pill bottle.

At least that bottle is half way full, I guess.

In love with the thought of the very idea.

I see now, with no lenses, softening my harsh reality.

I must once more, try to focus on myself.

Love myself and prove it.

Reach for the things I need with conviction and not the unsure hands of a child, I've been sporting so well.

I can find a meadow.

No path required.

I will not rest there, I promise but, I may take in the scenery along the way.

I need no hand to hold my own in respective appreciation.

I can see the wonder painted even brighter when it burns with a pang of solidarity.

I will work my words,

My tired feet,

My heavy lungs,

My heart with dented armor.

I will train my hands steady.

And this time when I put something in my sights, I won’t have to hesitate before I pull the trigger, painting the walls and ground with my red victory.

A flower may yet hold promise,

Even in the wrong climate but, first the seed must be planted. Will it bloom?

We are getting ahead of ourselves.

Clear the board and start again.
edited by Words_Are_Weapons on 7/7/2013
7/8/2013 1:11:57 AM
All Powerful, Broken Boy Stretch and string me to a crucifix with barbed wire

Display my failures and shames

When you cast the stones, you cast them away as well

And when I die, I will just come back new. Stronger.

My man Jesus knows what I mean all to literally

Bonded by the phoenix we burn as brothers

Perhaps of the same kind in more ways than one.

I’m drinking


No more

Drinking some more

Drinking paint thinner

I swallow blurred lines and let the smoke burn orange in the night like the relentless spot light in my cerebral cortex.


Smoking cigarettes

Insatiable lungs are getting heavy

Smoke more, more cigarettes to numb the senses. You appreciate the breath you have left that way.

Barnyard, winter

Shivering hand

Quick smoke in Kansas,

After a quickie on a front porch in Georgia

Smoke screen, blanket

I just like to keep cozy.

Habits or weapons?

I destroy myself but, I’ll be damned if don’t kill my pains and demons too

I might even live.

All powerful

Broken boy

Perfect heavy hearts

Good intentions and the angels fall to a false hell

Hell is in earth and in our heads so, we've already been there

Confident in a dim room with shades on

Little to no company

The smell of marijuana and hope

Hide the red glimmer of knowledge in your eyes

Lone wolves roam back alleys

Built for convenience

But, sometimes they become short cuts to gasps of clandestine exposure.

I am the world.

This world belongs to me.

Mission to hold it in hand and make it tangible.
7/9/2013 2:26:39 PM
Kill Kill Kill Gorgeous. A short poem that still paints a vivid picture. If I were wearing a hat I would give it a tip to you :p Maybe check out some of mine as well? I would appreciate some feedback, greatly.
7/9/2013 2:30:24 PM
Tough As Nails Hopeful doesn’t mean stupid

That doesn’t mean I wasn’t stupid

I was in a state and messed up

Simple as that.

I could dramatize

Spill all the stars from my eyes and mouth and cry out for answers but,

I won’t.

My spirit can dance alone.

A lapse in judgement will not throw it off beat because it dances to a cosmic drum. My heartbeat and no one else’s.

Dropped my shield

Set myself on fire

Burned up a daft dream

And fell to ashes.

I’ve proven to relate to the phoenix

Both of us know what it’s like to die a quick death and come back stronger

Time and time again

Our ashes swirl into the manifestation of our desires and in that I find my comfort.


Hard topped, granite counters

Tough as nails kid

But kid is man or at least he pretends to be.

Smart phones aren't so smart but, I’m writing this on one

Sedatives and sad, country music mood swims through my veins.

Excuse me, while I go have a drink with that phoenix.
7/9/2013 2:35:35 PM
Feedback Please? Until recently I haven't been a very active member of this community for a long while and I am finding it difficult to gain comments or feedback on my work.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone would like to give some feedback on my latest 6 poems whether it be on my profile or the few I have in the High Critique Forum.

Please and thank you <3
7/9/2013 3:03:24 PM
Silver Tongue Thank you SO much for the kind feedback. I really do put my heart and soul into all of my work and I appreciate that you could see that. Also I have been finding it difficult to get comments or critiques. Thanks again and warmest wishes.
7/10/2013 7:44:19 PM
Silver Tongue Thank you for the feedback. I understand and will consider that for future works. As far the story of the downfall goes, I wrote the poem as a way to feel optimistic and therefore, I didn't want to revisit the negative back story. Thanks again for the perspective
9/24/2013 11:16:03 AM
A Blue Boy's Death Wish A fragile mind breaks

Wake upon the rock laden shores

A muffled heart begs to echo

Whispers lost among a velvet chamber

Dusk comes premature time and again

Dropping the curtain on an optimistic sunrise

If you never witness dawn

There is no tomorrow

Always the dreamer aches

Never awake to make real what he desires

The restless corpse walks blind

Dead ends seem fitting for one of the kind

Lost in the labyrinth of strangling vines

Love is the motive and the weapon

Taking root in throats dry from weeping

Sprouts of amnesia in place of smiles

A garden called heartbreak holds onlookers captive

The comfort takes hold, sets in the bones weary of searching

A plea for rest lands on deaf ears

The hollow boy tires of himself

The last request he will ever make

"End me"

Lost and tired

He wishes to be weak no more
9/25/2013 12:03:43 PM
A Blue Boy's Death Wish Honestly Idk why it changed, I never touched it lol
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