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L MILTON HANKINS - all messages by user

11/4/2020 3:24:55 PM
How do I post a contest? How do I set up a contest?
1/22/2021 1:46:14 PM
Agree to Disagree (A Sonnet) I think you should probably study some classic sonnets. I'm of the opinion that sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, have fourteen lines, and the last two lines rhyme. A sonnet may be more or less than this, but certainly this! I would have simply classified this poem as "quatrain."
12/26/2021 2:36:46 PM
Sensitive and honest question MeghanC11, I cannot speak for other sponsors, but I am qualified to judge poems, based on having taught English, creative writing and having, as a teacher, judged many forensic meets. I have also published widely in journals, magazines, and newspapers for many years. That being said, I judge "blind," that simply means I don't know who wrote what. However, sometimes I will recognize a poet's work by their unique style. I would say that one of the reasons you are seeing the same poets winning over and over is that these poets are consistently producing quality work and submitting it to the contests. I hope this helps alleviate some of your misgivings.
edited by L MILTON HANKINS on 12/26/2021
12/27/2021 2:53:28 PM
Knowing what form a poem is Keith - Many of the people on here have never "studied" poetry. May I suggest that you study the "types of poetry" listed on Poetry Soup, then write a poem in the format that seems to fit your theme and which pleases you. The directions for writing a poem in a particular format are rather clear, I have found. Then, practice...practice...practice. I have always found that I am not the judge of whether or not anything I write is "good or not." I write. Let the reader decide. True, Poetry Soup is not the place to come to for an honest evaluation of a poem. Most of us who are long-experienced poets have learned from experience that most people want compliments and affirmation for their work, even if it fails miserably. I used to read every poem submitted every day, but I have found that much of the "stuff" I was reading was a waste of time. I only commented on those poems that showed real promise or which spoke to me in some unique way. I hope what I'm saying is helpful. Please feel free to Soup Mail me if you would like a more personal conversation. Keep writing!
12/27/2021 2:56:57 PM
Knowing what form a poem is If you are coming to Poetry Soup to get a compliment, affirmation, or free evaluation of your poem, you have come to the wrong place, my friends. I came here to get my poems out there, for readership, not recognition. The comments I received tell me very little about the quality of my work. I hope you are writing poetry because you feel compelled to write from your heart. If you do that, then I can assure you that you will be read, noticed, and probably receive comments, although I cannot guarantee that! If you would like to have a more personal, private conversation about poetry, please feel free to Soup Mail me.
1/19/2022 6:30:17 PM
To itroduce myself, Hi I'm 517Jacqueline Welcome to Poetry Soup, Jac. I hope you will find a welcoming place of peace and solitude where you can express yourself through verse. I can assure you that we will be as supportive as we can possibly be. You will make lots of friends here. --a Kentucky friend, Milt
12/12/2022 1:12:23 PM
I am new here! Please feel free to post your poems and become an active part of this wonderful poetry community. You are welcome!
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