Book: Shattered Sighs

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CBall1025 - all messages by user

5/11/2020 10:45:57 PM
Hey my fellow poets!! Hey everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know a little about me. I fell in love with poetry as a very small child, my grandmother was an English literature professor, so she taught me about all the greatest poets, writers and artists throughout history. I wrote lots of poetry as a child and also studied lots. I then met my soulmate, who happened to be an English literature major and we married. We settled down and had children and during this time period I lost my creative passion. I had a 10 years long writer's block!! I just recently, very recently, had the fire lit once again inside me and so I have been writing daily once again!! It is great to find a community of like minds and I can't wait to share my love with each of you!
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