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Pensayf - all messages by user

5/31/2020 1:55:01 AM
Hey my fellow poets!! You're welcome to poetrysoup
5/31/2020 2:00:34 AM
Hello everyone, im new here Hi, I'm a poet from Nigeria, a lover of art and nature. I've many unpublished works on my archive with excellent performance on everyone of them. I'm here on poetry soup to mingle with my co-poets so as to learn more on poetry and to perfect myself on writing. Thank you for having me here.
edited by Pensayf on 5/31/2020
5/31/2020 2:06:48 AM
Covid-19 I write this poem here where i lay
Where sunshine is gone i could only see grey
Where babbles of a monster who refuse a weapon was told
Not a fairytale of a monster that'll hug you and stab you
But a monster who'll sneeze a life out of you
And cough a casket to what remains of you
This monster will handshake your father
After a heart felt eulogy at your funeral
Then Hug your sister with sympathy
And come back for condolence visit the next day
To dine with your mother
The bloody monster that pauses the earth to rotate

Covid-19 held us captives for a crime we're not sure of
I see the way it move at high speed in the air
By passing every blind checkpoints of humanity
Getting itself merged with everything that we cherish
Covid took away every kind gesture we demonstrate love
And turned us ninjas running from our loved ones
What kind of a world survive without love but massacre
Ask Venus or Mars, and move to Pluto to testify
What do you do with our isolated souls in coma
Tell us what to do with them for we've buried enough

Our world is sick and we're its symptoms
We can defeat this monster plague if only we adhere
Let's work together to change the red headlines on our screens to green colour of victory and freedom.
Sanitize your hands regularly and stay Home and safe
In the end, I wish you a happy new year in advance

Pensayf |2020
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